U guys have probably done this B4, but what r ur favorite station pranks?
I was all over the place: short-sheetin beds, shaving cream in the boots, billiard balls in helmets, saran wrap the toilets, but my favorite (it never failed to scare the hell out of 'em @ 2 AM) was with battery switches off, turn EVERYTHING on on EVERY unit. Yeah, I'm a sick, sadistic little SOB!

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The water hammer or the bucket of elbow grease is always a good one for the rookies.
Saw this one on the internet, very fun to do at fire house. Get a bag of flour and pretend your having the hardest time lifting it over your head. Someone will always make fun of you and say it's so easy and try it. When they do, you or someone else in on it, gets behind the person and slices the bag open when it's above their head. Another good one was a probie suffered many jokes from us. A few days after a structure fire, he saved the tones and dispatch from that call on his pager, waited till guys were hanging out in the back room and replayed it over the PA. As soon as they heard our tones and "structure fire" they all rushed out to the engine room, only to find him laughing hysterically. And of course the good old bucket of steam. Yell to a probie like it's the most important thing in the world that you need a bucket of steam. Send him to an officer to fetch it. Works every time.
Sorry for the repeats, here's one i didn't see after reading them all though. This one is a little expensive, best to have a few guys throw in on it. Find the guy with the worst temper/ shortest fuse at your station. Watch what kind of sneakers he wears and buy an exact pair. If he kicked his shoes off by his locker to go on a call or to a drill, and your still at the firehouse, hide his real pair and mess with the ones you bought. My preferred method is to hack them into multiple pieces and leave them in a pile in front of his locker. Like i said, it can be a little expensive, worth it on the right person. "F$@& 'em if they can't take a joke!"
A couple that I've doned in my days are 1) Throwing a bunch of pots and pans into the room while crew is asleep, and 2) Removing the bed frame and putting in up on cans, that way when they go to climb into bed, it crashes to the floor. Not the greatest, but fun non-the-less.
I love it!
oh yeah, that was a bunch of fun. No workers for about 3-4 months, fill my gear with cereal and have a worker the next morning. Nothing like getting over rasin bran in my boots only to put my coat on and see fruit loops come out if every pocket. I wasn't the happiest camper taking windows that morning. :-)
Lidocaine in toothpaste-when they brush their teeth, it foams up and makes them drool and unable to spit (plus their speech may be a little slurred). You can do the same thing with gumballs, fill with lidocaine and let them chew away. It leaves them drooling with a twist- whatever the color of the gumball, that will be the color of the drool. Nitro tabs in shoes will absorb through the socks because of sweat off the feet- leaves a nasty headache. Having shrimp on the barbie laced with lasix will leave them peeing for hours-make sure you rehydrate them! Attach AED electrodes while they sleep (just two needed and slap on chest with rapid fassion and not attached to unit-very important), attach actual unit to AED tester, press analyze, listen for it to prompt, you'll hear it wind up, then it will say "stand clear" and then you'll hear it say "press to shock" . Be prepared to fight.
Go rappelling and go Aussie (face forward [sorry lutan, that's what we call it]), halfway down on the descent, pull tension on rope to hold them in one spot and keep them suspended, tie off to stationary object and go to lunch.
DMSO wiped onto the skin will absorb directly into the skin- side affects: if they are sweaty, it will burn like hell. Their breath will smell like ass. Very, very bad smell. Be sure on application you don't have anything mixed in, DMSO will carry poison and so forth- this is for your information and entertainment! My disclaimer.
I like the car keys frozen in a bowl of water, but how do you freeze it quick enough before they get back from a call? :P
we played a good one on a guy that was going to be a father for the 1'st time, we put a diaper that was smeered with snickers in his locker. he later put garden hose with a shower head attached at the top of each toilet stall, & turned it on when one of the guys went in to use the fasilities.
Did you see the pics she posted of the rig?
Spicing up the chili? come on that has to be ok...
Are you NUTS..?? Meds are nothing to play with...!!!

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