This discussion will NOT be closed ( least not by me)
what you need...
what you want....

Recognizing and accepting that (most especially) people in this profession tend to be strongly opinionated and have a wicked sense of humor, attempting to regulate humor and opinion, especially in the midst of a "conversation", is both presumptuous and dictatorial. 

Towards that end, there is no off-topic discussion in this thread, so long as you can 'somehow' relate it back to respect.  Take it where ever it goes, sarcasm is allowed.  No...really.

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For those of you that can't get along...

RESPECT..........Earned and given to those that are deserving . This site is full of people who have earned and deserve my respect. I for one am grateful for all they choose to share with me. I may not agree with all that is said but I am that much richer for having considered it.
well said Roy....I can't add anything else to this you hit it right on the head.....Now don't go and get a swelled know I'll hammer you on another post.....LOL...Stay safe...Keep the Faith.........Paul
It means valuing each others points of views. It means being open to being wrong. It means accepting people as they are. It means not dumping on someone because you're having a bad day. It means being polite and kind always, because being kind to people is not negotiable. It means not dissing people because they're different to you. It means not gossiping about people or spreading lies.
Well said.
very well said
theres a movie called down periscope with kelsy grammer (to which my spelling is poor i'm sure).

there is a clip in this movie where an admiral tells him that he is addressing a superior officer, he replies,"no sir, merely a higher ranking one."

so Mike, well said on your part.
Respect - that given to people with the understanding that it's all in good fun.
Ralph, aboard what?

FYI - liked the other 'Retha vid too.
Ms. Destruction,

With the 'greatest respect', your opinion is almost always appreciated. Really, it is.
I just assumed you were busy with life-shit. You mean there are other reasons? Sacre bleu!

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