This is a post of prayers that you may whisper or say in your head as you are enroute to a call.

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Thanks Mike, that is so Chaplain-like of you. And Merry Xmas to you.
I am better than that, but when religion begins on the general discussion my threat level goes red and the my best sarcasm just rolls out.
Then why are we talking about a fairy tale like prayer? Besides the firemans creed requires that we attack bullshit and mouthoff to the purveyors of fairy tales.

Not to get off subject Greg, and speaking of fairy tales like Santa Claus, maybe we can discuss christmas tree safety?

Happy Holidays!

I am with you on that.
freshly ripped off of the web...

Christmas Tree Fire Dangers

The Roseville Fire Department reminds you of the fire danger with natural Christmas trees. Though tree fires are rare, a very dry Christmas tree can present a fire danger.

Here are some tips:

When purchasing a natural tree, cut 1/2" off the trunk so that the tree can soak up the water.
Keep a constant supply of water in the stand. Natural trees can "drink" a lot of water, especially when first set up.
Keep any heat sources away from the tree
Use only UL listed light strings if you do decorate the tree with lights.

Remember, a dry Christmas tree can burn very quickly, leaving little time to escape.
This video was presented before my first interior burn to learn.
I am think this is a great idea.

nice touch with the Noodley Appendage... very traditional and seasonal at the same time, and so consistent with your twisted sense of humor. proud to call you my friend.
John, Well, I listened to both of them and I do not get your point. Nothing was said about praying on the way to fires. I come to work everyday and help people, I would guess more than most because we have 3,800 calls a year. My crew and I serve with compassion, kindness and care on every call we go on. We treat peoples homes like they were our own. We train to be better at our jobs, we take excellent care of our equipment and live up to the publics expectation of what we shuold do and be. At times we go beond the expectation and push down that hall when it is too hot or when we think there is a rescue needed, no one knows about that but us. At our station we preach and practice pride, honor and integrity.
During the holidays we feed and buy toys for some of the families we have see throughout the year on different calls. We do this with our own money, without telling anyone (but you guys) and without any expectation of a return.
We are kind to each other and help when someone on the crew or department needs it.
But none of this keeps use from giving our opinion in the firehouse kitchen, this forum is simply the firehouse kitchen extended. When you start up a discussion in the kitchen your are open to everyones opinions, it is not attacking, it is saying I call bullshit on that. When it involves politics or religion there are no facts to back up either view so opinions are the rule. I have mine you have yours, if I don't agree with yours I will say so. If you don't want me to disagree with you then don't bring up religion or politics at the firehouse kitchen table. Also, just because I disagree with you does not mean I don't respect you or your right to an opinion.
I don't pray that you get this but I wish it. (clue: same thing)

"...consistent with your twisted sense of humor. "
I certainly hope you aren't suggesting that the FSM or my belief in Pastafarianism is somehow twisted? I mean...that would just be...positively...uncivil.

May his warm, moist, noodley appendage touch you in your private place (your heart, you perv!).


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