This topic was first posted on here:

Can Sex Offenders be firefighters? Should sex offenders be firefighters? What about pardoned ones?

I am currently working on a story and one of the intriguing details is that a current firefighter WAS a convicted sex offender. The person was pardoned and is not a registered sex offender. The offense was bad (they all are). The offense
happened 30 years ago prior to the current laws that protect us from
these criminals. Should he be allowed to be a firefighter?

Here are my thoughts. Sex offenders should not be firefighters. I do not know of a National standard or regulation on this issue. However, if this man was pardoned and the infraction occurred prior to current
regulations should he/she still be punished for a crime they was
pardoned for? After all, they were pardoned and basically the crime is
no longer part of their wrap sheet (hopefully there is nothing else).
This is basically a loophole due to previously lackadaisical laws.

I just wonder if fire departments can legally disqualify someone from being a firefighter for something that might not show up on their background check. I am not sure it would in this case, but what if
someone brought it to the FD’s attention.

The questions are:

  • Should sex offenders be allowed to be firefighters? What about EMT’s?
  • Should previously pardoned sex offenders be allowed to be firefighters?
  • What about EMT’s?
  • Does your department look for this information in their background checks?

Here are some articles I found on the topic of sex offender/firefighters:

NSOPR – National Sex Offender Public Registry

FBI Sex Offender Registry

You might remember a while back that I posted a question on Firefighter Nation about Felons being firefighters. That discussion continues to spark interest from time to time and the conversation is rehashed. My answer remains to be NO. Several people
said that it depended on the crime. My reply….Name a GOOD Felony! I
didn’t think so. Felonies are felonies for a reason. They are crimes.

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Let me ask the hubs. :)
I don't text and I don't talk on the cell while driving..... Sorry.... As a matter of fact I use maybe 100 minutes a year if that.
They don't stink if you keep them washed...... :) Oh wait never mind there is the explosive gas that come from them......
I just firmly believe that if you have a CRIMINAL record you should not be a firefighter or EMT.
What do you want to be she talks (no hands-free)

Jack, since you're from the far more sophisticated and enlightened NE, it may come as a surprise but for some of us in flyover country, we can still use our cellphones sans headset\Bluetooth\speakerphone. Legally.

We still have a few freedoms left.
Oh well.... You know I never did say thanks for agreeing to disagree. I am just an opinionated old woman..... :) The hubs says I get better with age.... :)
"My personal opinion is if you are convicted of any crime be it felon or misdemeanor you should apply else where. You are in a position of trust and a crime is a crime no matter what the severity is." - Patti

So again Patti, I suppose we'll be seeing your resignation letter posted here?
To heck with the snow plowing scenario. How about extended structure fire call and 4 cups of coffee. Sounds to me like the local doughnut shop needs to stay open latter so the cops have something to do other than harass local plow jockeys.
Kid touchers have no place on this earth let alone in our Brotherhood....
Though maybe this will open some's and old law that is still on the books in many states in the union... it states, oral copulation, giving or receiving between consenting adults is a sex offense and a felony. It's on the books in MD as well as many other states. It was a law written in the late 1800 early 1900 but is still a law and if someone wants to be an ASS, you can be charged and you can be found guilty. With that being said, I think I'm safe to say that most of the people posting on this topic including myself has broken this law including the person judging us all from an ivory tower.
Someone must live in the highest elevations of OR where the air is thin because this is really irrational thinking,possibly suffering from hypoxia.
They shouldn't have to ASK you to your own words if found guilty you should be fired or at least be woman enough to live up to your own standard and walk in and say I was found guilty of a misdemenor/felony therefore i resign because I'm setting a bad example......even if it was a 1 time minor accident. Practice what you preach.
I didn't read the other felon thread, so that might have been covered already, so forgive me if it has.

Do we allow someone who has been convicted of embezzling, say $10K (just to make sure it's a felony) access to the department's checking account? Petty cash? With no oversight? No audits or dual signatures on checks and allow them to receive and pay bills as well as balance the checking account? (all accounting no-no's for those who don't know)

Do we allow someone who was convicted of distributing prescription drugs without a license or stealing and dealing them access to the drug box on the bambulance?

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