I am in a heated discussion with someone and i want to know if i am right. I am responding to a blog where it is claimed that Firefighting is not the most dangerous profession in the U.S. Commercial fishing andf Mining is, firefighting is 13.  I for one am glad it is not. A poster who claimes to be a Vet. Firefighter of 35 years says that unless a firefighter dies in (in actual combat) he or she is not a hero


I disagree


If the person is on duty and required to be there and dies, in my book its a LODD.


Now I know this subject is a source of controversy because how does it work with volunteers? I was asked that question and said, "If the member was killed on their way to the firehouse in response to a call in their POV or killed on the appratus while responding and of course killed the scene or returning from a call, thats a LODD


The poster in my case cites that because he was doing some firehouse maintennence (on duty) and fell resulting in his death it was not a LODD. I cited that some Sailors died in their bunks on Dec 7 were they heroes? Some of the 343 firefighters were killed in a building collapse were they heroes? Some of our military in the Pentagon were at desks when they were killed were they heroes? And in my case a paid FF  was on a ladder and fell resulting in his death was he a hero? YES, YES, YES and YES. i am demending an apology from him for bashing a dead brother, am i right?



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agree. i was pissed at the guy at the time i wrote, thank you for your response
i did just that and let it go. i was just wondering if i was on the wrong track, thanks for your response
thanks paul
thanks Reg
thanks Bekks
thanks Kara
If you are a firefighter for the reason to be a "hero" you are a firefighter for the wrong reason.

If you aren't then why even get in to a discussion about what makes "you" a hero?
Hey Man....anytime.........
Why deal with such a knucklehead? You won't change his mind.
Yup - i hear ya. I probably would have gotten into the same fight. It is easier for me to talk about it when I am not in the middle of it.

I tend to feel strongly about social justice and when I hear something that offends my sense of justice I can get into hot debates...

As I age (and maybe mature) I try to be better at picking my battles. And try to determine if there really is anything to win in a given fight. If there really is nothing to win, then I need to move on an use my energy elsewhere.

And I try to be more of a peacemaker... than troublemaker...
A peacemaker that makes trouble where ever she goes:)
Our policy if a firefighter is on dept property working or not, Responding to a call, fueling the truck, Standard duties in service of the fire dept. For any reason dies it is a LODD. We are a vollie dept.

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