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HOW do we know that this picture is NOT a woman???

Maybe the husband in on the crane... you KNOW men be getting their wives into all sorts of precarious situations !!!

"Come on, honey - I just need your help for a few minutes !!! It's ok, nothing bad will happen. I would never put you in danger !!! You are lighter, that is why you are the one who should be on top of the tractor. Come on, it will go faster if we do it together !!!"
Hey ya gotta do what works...

Thanks, I pulled the picture off your website.
and what mama wants mama gets :-)
and the wife would be saying "My brother-uncle Jeb and my sister-cousin Jeanette was right about you. You are so dumb you could start an argument in an empty house. Shoot, you just about as useful as a trap door on a canoe. everyone knows the heavier person goes on the tractor to take the weight off the crane."

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