Here's another story of a homeowner who didn't pay the subscription fee for fire protection, believing that, if he had a fire, the fire department would come anyway.

He was wrong.

This follows the same line of thinking of districts who shut down their departments, believing that, if they needed fire protection, they could rely on mutual aid.

What is wrong with that thinking?

Read the story from Tennessee:



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Actually, I'm not. There are several on my own department who outrank me. :-)
And how have those "hefty taxes" worked out for California, Herb?

At the end of the day, local communities get the services that the taxpayers are willing to pay for. Just because one place is willing to increase taxes doesn't mean that's appropriate - or affordable - for other places.
Herb, the media has got you mad???? That like all media was spliced together in the news room. By the time they (the FD) arrived to protect the exposure... the double wide on a slab was already gone. By then the homeowner wasn;t begging anybody to save his property he was in shock. The media has fueled the frenzy Herb.

I am sure you have been to calls and watched the news report and then said, WTF was I at that call? The media puts a spin on the clips and timing of audio...
He should be mad at himself for choosing to not pay for the services. He admits he knew they had a 75 dollar service fee per year but expected them to come anyway...
I posted a companion piece to this incident.
I don't go into any great depth to point fingers, but I raise issues that I feel should be considered for thought and possibly civil discussion. Go here:
I couldn't help but notice that as soon as I returned this thread to civil and respectful discussion, the discussion moved to another thread.
This thread is still here if you want to discuss possible solutions. We already know what is broken and to a degree why it is broken, so what can be done to reduce the likelihood that this will happen again?

The Link appears to be broken?
Great job Art. Really says it all in a succinct way.
County votes to go with subscription fees for the rest of Obion County.
Read story here:
So the big question that remains is: what happens when a property owner fails to pay their subscription?
Will it be another "Cranick panic"?
Personally, I think that they should create a public act to install a taxing mechanism. Then you won't have anything to discuss.
So after everyone has read this their will be no more whining about it!!!!!!! Their vote to do it that way so that means that they voted in the "NO pay NO play" policy not the fire fighters, not the mayor, not the council, but the people so you don't pay it burns!!! and it don't matter what oath you took!!!!
The county board that represents the voters in Obion County TN has decided that they don't want a TAX; they want a either pay for fire protection and receive fire protection or not to pay the subscription and NOT RECEIVE fire protection.
And with only about 40% participation in subscriptions, that is roughly 60% who are rolling the dice in the other three that already has subscription.
A "subscription" is exactly as it reads. There should be no misunderstanding between property owners and fire departments as to what "subscription" means. Yes; it is just like a magazine subscription. To get magazines under a subscription program, you must pay the subscription. If you don't, then the magazines stop coming until you pay the subscription.
It's not that confusing and if it is going to traumatize the firefighters who must struggle with their morality with those who don't pay and have a fire, then I would suggest that they join a department where TAXES are collected for fire protection. Then, they can respond knowing that there is no moral dilemma around the next curve.
With the whole nation debating this, the elected idiots chose to go down a larger slippery slope than before.
What was once three departments will now be eight.
Great job there, Obion County.
I just wish there was a way to can all these discussions together and if and when such an event occurs in the future and a similar response is done....we can bring these discussions back out to show that it was the choice of the people to have such a service and that there is no obligation to protect property of people who refuse to pay for subscriptions.

It would save a ton of headaches vs repeating all this stuff, over and over again for those who claim morality over reality.

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