Reprinted with Permission

PADUCAH - A local fire department's decision to let a home burn is attracting national attention and sparking national debate.

A firefighters group is lashing out against members of their own. The International Association of Fire Fighters is condemning the South Fulton Fire Department for their actions last week.

Fire crews refused to put out a house fire in Obion County, Tennessee, because the owner did not pay the $75 coverage fee. The Association's general president released a statement Tuesday on the city's policy of subscription fire service.

The IAFF statement reads, in part, "We condemn South Fulton's ill-advised, unsafe policy. Professional, career fire fighters shouldn't be forced to check a list before running out the door to see which homeowners have paid up. They get in their trucks and go."

The statement also reads, "Because of South Fulton's pay-to-play policy, fire fighters were ordered to stand and watch a family lose its home."

Todd Cranick, son of Gene Cranick, tells Local 6 that his parents have received several thousand dollars from the insurance company to cover immediate costs. Cranick went on to say that the insurance plans on covering all damage and property losses. Right now, there is no fund set up to help the Cranick family.

The IAFF is headquartered in Washington, D.C., representing nearly 300,000 full-time professional firefighters and paramedics.

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Don't you think they would have used this option if it were available locally?

Eric, Obion County doesn't pay for the SFFD to protect anybody.  SFFD is a municipal FD that is paid for by the residents of South Fulton. The FD protects it's own and offers service to those in the non-incorporated area at a small fee.  If the city has directed the FD it pays for to attend only city and subscribing residents outside the limit, then it is their choice to do so. 



As often happens, the media got it wrong.



That was a rational and logical analysis of the facts of the case, including that the media got it wrong.


Some of the more emotional posters here don't seem to be able to understand those facts.

Congratulations for being open-minded enough to understand a system that is much different from yours, and to realize that there's nothing wrong with the City of South Fulton having and following rational economic policies for providing services where they have no obligaiton to do so.

So Michelle, I need some plumbing work done.  I'll send you the bill for it after the plumber bills me.


The fire department is a city fire department that gets zero tax dollars to provide fire protection outside the city limits.  The fire was outside the city limits. 


Why should a small city of only 2,500 residents subsidize free fire protection for a county of 30,000?

That's essentially what you're asking them to do.


Their city tax-funded operations budget is reportedly less than$10,000 per year.  How many free county fire suppression jobs per year do you think they'll be able to afford.


The "unfair" was on the part of the homeowner who expected free fire protection when his neighbors paid for it.


The "unsafe" was on the part of the homeowner who didn't control a fire in his yard and not only lost his home as a result, but endangered his neighbors' property as well.


No one feels good about the situation, but being heartbroken doesn't put fuel in the engine, turnout gear on the firefighters, or water on the fire.

Most of the area in which this happened is covered like that.  When I lived there you had to pay your fee to the city or your insurance agent would call on you.  I, in my heart cannot see a crew of firefighter's letting any dwelling burn.  As a firefighter, I can honestly say I'm ashamed that my brothers and sisters let themselves become intangled in politics and forgot what they are. Put out the fire then pursue the funds. Vote out the ones that allowed this to happen and get back to being the fire fighters you started out wanting to be. God bless you all and be safe!

We are acting like this is the first occurace of this. I am suprised and disappointed the IAFF came down on their own. I feel for the department and firefighters. Not an easy choice. The entire event is about choice. The county decided not to provide fire protection for the property owners, their choice. The people living there had an option for coverage, this resident choose not to have coverage, his right. We all know people believe bad things happen to other people not to us. In this case the owner was incorrect. Fire protection is not free, it is not a right, it is a choice. Many full time firefighters live in areas protected by volunteer departments and some where there is no coverage. Their reasons are many. It is about choice, freedom to live where you want. We as firefighters know that bad things can happen to us. We choose to live with the risk, as did this resident. Big brother should not have a say, this was a choice with unintended concequences.

A subciption fee service that is voluntatry? cool don't pay do not recieve. Ok well I don't want to pay FDIC, I don't want to pay medicare, I don't want to pay property taxes, I don't want to pay state taxes, I don't want to pay any taxes. Oh wait I don't have a choice I have to pay. That is how our society has made these services avaliable through taxation not through subcriptions.

I have a few points that need to be considered before making any harsh judgements on how South Fulton handled this incident.

#1 The individual firefighters did not choose to not respond, they were ordered. If you were ordered not to do something and did it anyway would you be reprimanded?

#2 If they had responded after being told not to and a firefighter had been injured what would happen next? Would the city's work comp or insurance company cover their injuries? Probably not as they were operating outside of the scope of responsibility and policies.

#3 If you lapse on your car or homeowners insurance would they cover your lose? Thats what the subscription fee is, a policy in the event you do need their assistance.

I agree it is voluntary. Still comes down to it is about choice. You do not have to pay FDIC, FICA, and other taxes as long as you are willing to accept the concequences. There is no "requirement" in many states to provide emergency services. People choose to have and pay for Fire, EMS, EMD, etc. Do we "owe" a living and three squares to the person that chooses to not work or contribute to society? Taxation has acceptable limits. This is the reason for user pay "fee's" such as National Parks permits, driver license, and even mandatory automobile insurance.

responding then WATCHING THE HOUSE BURN--ON TV FELLAS then saying "the city manager told us not to put it out" good god, i didnt know a CM had such power (what do we need a fire chief for) since the CM calls the shots. the bottom line is they were willing to pay and (amoung those who watching on TV) all everyone will remember is that "Nero-(aka the FD) "playd the fiddle as dat home burnd to the ground" and thats the story. NOTE TO THE FIRE CHIEF- not commenting good or bad allows the media to MAKE NEWS. you should have stated the TRUTH (if you believe in it so much) and not "call the police (who didnt respond either-curious-). if this is the deal the members of the community accepted and went into with eyes wide open, OK i can accept that but all the rest of america saw was a FD standing around as somebody's house burned to the ground and that gives us all a black eye. my personal opinion IS- NOT putting it out after they wanted to pay is VINDICTIVE and thats where america and i will judge them STUPID...suppose the cops stood by as a woman was being gang raped because she didnt pay the "rape crime fee"? 

WOW, Vic I think you totally missed the point!  

damn well said Cap

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