Reprinted with Permission
PADUCAH - A local fire department's decision to let a home burn is attracting national attention and sparking national debate.
A firefighters group is lashing out against members of their own. The International Association of Fire Fighters is condemning the South Fulton Fire Department for their actions last week.
Fire crews refused to put out a house fire in Obion County, Tennessee, because the owner did not pay the $75 coverage fee. The Association's general president released a statement Tuesday on the city's policy of subscription fire service.
The IAFF statement reads, in part, "We condemn South Fulton's ill-advised, unsafe policy. Professional, career fire fighters shouldn't be forced to check a list before running out the door to see which homeowners have paid up. They get in their trucks and go."
The statement also reads, "Because of South Fulton's pay-to-play policy, fire fighters were ordered to stand and watch a family lose its home."
Todd Cranick, son of Gene Cranick, tells Local 6 that his parents have received several thousand dollars from the insurance company to cover immediate costs. Cranick went on to say that the insurance plans on covering all damage and property losses. Right now, there is no fund set up to help the Cranick family.
The IAFF is headquartered in Washington, D.C., representing nearly 300,000 full-time professional firefighters and paramedics.
Hey Al glad to see you here. This is ridiculous. The problem here is no longer about the $75 its about showing up and doing nothing while a home burned. I am sadened by these actions.
Look, you're way too sensitive about the experience issue. Re-read my thread, and you'll see:
"In addition, I would venture to say that your opinions regarding the fire service today, will be very different after you've been on the job for 10+ years, and you'll have the commensurate responsibilities to show for your efforts."
I said DIFFERENT, nothing else. Does your department let a 3 year veteran become a Chief Officer (or a Captain for that matter)? Ever ask yourself why not?
If you have the temerity to tell me that experience doesn't help a person grow, you have bigger issues to deal with than old retired FF sharing his views on a Blog............LOL
I can agree that the fire department should have offered to put out the fire at a price tag of several thousand dollars (considering annual budget and annual call volume to determine the average cost of each individual call, which I'm sure would be in the thousands of dollars), since this person had not paid the subscription. But I think the problem isn't so much with the fire department in question as it is with the county government and the residents of the county who think that they don't need to pay for a fire department until a house is burning. The moral outrage isn't that the firefighters stood by and watched a house burn to the ground (while protecting exposures that they were paid to protect), but rather that the community and government in that county hasn't done more to offer free and comprehensive fire protection to it's citizens. Pointing the blame at the South Fulton firefighters and the SFFD policy on subscription services to county homeowners is only taking the focus away from where it should be, and that is to providing a tax based service to all residents of Obion County, whether in the form of contracted protection from muncipial departments or a new county based department.
you people are amazing... paid or volunteer we do this to save lives and property. Don't give me that crap he didn't pay his 75 dollars. They allowed the fire to destroyed a man's house, possesions and also his family memories that can NEVER be replaced. I am sicken by the fact they only came out because a paying homeowner was worried about his property.
It amazes me how people let their emotions get involved and over rule the intellect. The facts have been stated many times.
1) the fire dept was in another community
2) it had no duty to act in this case
3) it does have a duty to its own community and those who subscribed to the OPTIONAL service
4) the homeowner knew it was optional and chose not to pay
5) the homeowner gambled and lost
6) the fire dept had their orders from their governing body (remember the chain of command?)
7) Obion county chose not to have any taxes to support fire service
If anything, Obion county needs to start collecting taxes for fire service and establish their own fire protection. Yes it is a tragedy but the fault does not fall on the fire dept in my opinion.
No matter what your feelings are..should they have acted or shouldn't they....this has turned into a media firestorm(no punn intended) and it has cast a negative light on our profession as a whole.
they are saying that the firefighters didn't hace a choice in putting the house out? Like hell they didnt . They are just like the rest of us, Paid or Volunteer. Your objective is to protect lives and property. It shouldnt have mattered if they paid there "fee for protection" . I am ashamed to call them a brother in the fire service. I think the family should sue the city for every penny they can get. Then Every fireman that was on that scene should be released from duty.
if you are willing to freelance and go against policy and orders from your governing body than I sure as heck wouldn't want you on a fire scene. Our objective is to proctect lives & property yes, but for the community that we have a duty to act and others that have contracted with us.
Just out of curiousity, does anyone know how far out of city limits this fire was and what kind of response time do they have to this area? Thanks!
Something is not right. Why should the county commissioner be allowed to contract with a city fire department for subscription service in a county when the home owner is responsible for payment. Any contractual agreement should be between the agency providing service and the home owner. Secondly if it's only $75.00 a year then the county should charge fire protection fees through property taxes. Although not ethical, there could have been some type of disclaimer that if the fire dept. responds and a person is not a subcriber then they may recieve a bill. I am not in favor of adding any additional harship on anyone who has expirenced thier home burning down. Nor I am in favor of standing by watching someone's home burn. This is not good for everyone. The home owner, the county and the fire dept. This will be a major black eye on the whole system..
The home-owner knew the policy and chose NOT to pay. The end result was not getting a service he did not pay for...hmmmm. I'm afraid that makes sense. In some cultures, this would be considered taking personal responsibility.
The FD followed a policy set forth by the City of South Fulton. Bashing them is misguided at best. They have stated that, had there been lives at stake, they would have interacted.
I'd throw stones at the policy. There should have been a contingency for such an obvious situation. An epic failure!
The IAFF was out of line for condeming the FD, period.
The IAFF should be the last people throwing rocks. They don't even support merit based testing systems in career fire departments. Ask the IAFF why they refused provide an amicus brief in the New Haven 20 lawsuit. Shame on you IAFF--get your own ducks in a row before you start casting stones.
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