Tennessee Firefighters Let Home Burn Over Subscription Issue

Reprinted with Permission

OBION COUNTY, Tenn. - Imagine your home catches fire but the local fire department won't respond, then watches it burn. That's exactly what happened to a local family tonight.


A local neighborhood is furious after firefighters watched as an Obion County, Tennessee, home burned to the ground.

The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn't do anything to stop his house from burning.

Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay.

The mayor said if homeowners don't pay, they're out of luck.

This fire went on for hours because garden hoses just wouldn't put it out. It wasn't until that fire spread to a neighbor's property, that anyone would respond.

Turns out, the neighbor had paid the fee.

"I thought they'd come out and put it out, even if you hadn't paid your $75, but I was wrong," said Gene Cranick.

Because of that, not much is left of Cranick's house.

They called 911 several times, and initially the South Fulton Fire Department would not come.

The Cranicks told 9-1-1 they would pay firefighters, whatever the cost, to stop the fire before it spread to their house.

"When I called I told them that. My grandson had already called there and he thought that when I got here I could get something done, I couldn't," Paulette Cranick.

It was only when a neighbor's field caught fire, a neighbor who had paid the county fire service fee, that the department responded. Gene Cranick asked the fire chief to make an exception and save his home, the chief wouldn't.

We asked him why.

He wouldn't talk to us and called police to have us escorted off the property. Police never came but firefighters quickly left the scene. Meanwhile, the Cranick home continued to burn.

We asked the mayor of South Fulton if the chief could have made an exception.

"Anybody that's not in the city of South Fulton, it's a service we offer, either they accept it or they don't," Mayor David Crocker said.

Friends and neighbors said it's a cruel and dangerous city policy but the Cranicks don't blame the firefighters themselves. They blame the people in charge.

"They're doing their job," Paulette Cranick said of the firefighters. "They're doing what they are told to do. It's not their fault."

To give you an idea of just how intense the feelings got in this situation, soon after the fire department returned to the station, the Obion County Sheriff's Department said someone went there and assaulted one of the firefighters.

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I was asked about the department by Vic, so keep things in context Ben. San Ramon is an ISO 2 Fire District, one of only 5 or 6 in the state of CA, as well as one of the few Nationally Accredited FD's in CA. So I apologize if I hurt your feelings by spouting off to Vic. 

The thread I started is closed because it serves no purpose to continue the vitriol.   And....if you paid attention to my statements, the bad policy I referred to was the County policy, not Fulton's.

Even the homeowner who lost his home doesn't blame the FF's (except for the chief). But you seem to only see what you want, in order fan the flames of your argument. You gotta be right Ben.

Simply implementing a tax system for the unincorporated regions would end the immoral justifications of letting someone's house burn while being a front row spectator. All they need to do is raise $8000, and that equals Fulton's total budget (if the figures I saw were correct)

And CA is NOT bankrupt due to social spending. It's bankrupt due to immoral homeowners lying on their loan docs, and now being legally able to walk away form their obligations. (Nice try though). The same folks we have to respond for when the house they don't give a crap for is on fire. In fact, Arson is up all over the country during this economic crisis. Humm. 

Ben...it's late.....I'm tired..........so you get the LAST word because I'm done with you. You can walk the face of the earth knowing your BETTER than me, smarter than me, and just an all around fire service legend...... because after reading your responses to others critical of your opinion, you just have to be right. Whether it's spelling, semantics, punctuation, rules, laws....Ben...you're the man. It must be hard to be sooooo right? You're like Nedimyer, and I'm any one of the Delta Tau Chi Fraternity boys I suppose.........LOL



Herb, that's highly hypocritical, coming from the guy who has insisted that it was IMMORAL policy that led to the situation that started this debate and that pounded anyone that disagreed with you with that mistaken mantra.


And Herb, California has spent decades following unsustainable social spending policies.

Proposition 13 has been around a little longer than the last election cycle, yanno?


And Herb, you closed with another ad hominem logical fallacy.  LMAO



Get over yourself. You are not that important to me, so please don't waste your energy on me. That fact that I don't hide my Cut & Paste technique only serves to prove that you use the same source of information. It just makes it easier to make my point and ruffle your feathers. OOh...I'm Ben, and I'm smart because I argue the appropriate way...I do things by the book....I'm better.........it gets old Ben. 

I took my ball because I don't want you specifically playing with it anymore. You don't deserve to play with my ball Ben (you must be a fun guy to work with)........and I knew you're the type of guy that would get all bent out if I keep trying to share an opinion.  Ad hominem that Ben.......LOL 

Have at it dude.....tell me what I did wrong, spelled wrong, said wrong........you're so good at it Ben.



I know where you got your information, but forum rules prevent me from saying it out loud. And your shots against CA are so cliche. Heck, you live in a state where one of your Representatives, Rep. Henry Brown, blamed minorities for your economic woes during a recent debate.

Your state is having to raise Gas Taxes, and look at other sources of funding to help pay for basic road repair, faltering education, and EMS.  Your unemployment is 11%, just 1.2% behind CA, and we have just a few more folks than you.

Give me a break Ben.  And how many brain cells did you fry coming up with the word Bupkis?

Bye Ben....I really promise that I am done with you. Please feel free to waste your energy on me. (But I'm worth it...really..I am.......LOL )

Ben, please read Obion County's Outline of their County & Rural Fire District Services formulated in 2008 and you'll read where it clearly states "regardless if Fire Service is subscribed or not; if pd or not then Municipal Fire Depts can help but they w/carry the cost".  Then read down to the last paragraph: "5-17-108. Service Supplementary. —Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit in any way the fire departments of anymunicipality or utility district providing fire service, but merely authorizes such county fireprotection service to contract with municipalities or utility districts in order to coordinate fireservice county-wide." Based on this clearly stating nothing to LIMIT IN ANY WAY Fire Depts of ANY Municipality (incl. South Fulton) to provide Fire Service than South Fulton Fire Dept could have & should have responded & done all they could to save the property and pets as they each take an oath too, verbal or silent. Regardless that coordinating a County Fire Dept, this outlines the "intentions" which is to ensure all property & lives, Human or Animal are protected to the best of the Responders abilities. This clearly leads to understand this was a "Policy" issue and direction by the Town Council and/or it's Town Mgr-Administrator or Official designated to implement "policy" & instruct each appropropriate department.  However I can't imagine one of our Fire Personnel sit there & watch someone's home and beloved pets die due to $75.00; in fact, I'm very confident knowing our Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief & the Fire Personnel, they would not. 


I worked with them thru the Pegram Emergency Mmgt Board & as the Vice Mayor then which I was over Town Operations then  & during the May, 2010 Flood here in Pegram, TN.  I witnessed first hand their undaunted dedication, care, unselfish hours and days of hard work rescuing citizens, their families & pets.  They worked 3 days straight w/little to no sleep & thru it all, they kept a very positive caring attitude and outlook.  I know it was very hard for them to see the fear in each person's eyes & face; the tears of many who lost their homes, pets & other property.  So again, I'm so confident although they have the greatest respect for Chain of Command, Policy & procedures; if it came down to "Policy" and a citizens home on fire & possible loss of life, regardless if Human or Pet; they would have poured water on the home and attempted to rescue ANY life in the home.  They would NOT have just sat there.  In fact, knowing our Pegram Fire Chief, Brent Stuart, he would have reqeusted an Emergency Special Called Meeting to address this matter & urged the Council to consider another avenue, direction to collect any Fire Fees without putting a citizens property and/or lives incl their pets at risk of loss.  It's INHUMANE to sit & intentionally not do anything, no attempt to "protect property and life".  He would not mince words while doing so respectfully.  In fact I can hear him say, Fire me if you want but I will not let anyone's home burn and/or lose a life without attempting to put out the fire and/or save a life... 


As an Alderman I'll tell you now, I would have to agree w/him... I would want to know since allegedly this couple has paid their Annual Fire Service Fee for few yrs but forgot to date to do so, was a Reminder or 2nd Notice sent as items can get lost in the mail, People get sick, out of town, etc.  If not, why not? They should thru Windows set up a Tickler System to remind the Town Hall Staff to send the 2nd Notice when after X # of days-wks past due.  So again there are several variables in this terrible tragedy but I can't get past letting "policy" take precedence over citizen property and their family members incl their pets as they are "family".. Fire Dept should have made the call to perform their duties then address it w/the Mayor,  Town Mgr and/or Town Council. I guarantee the town incl this couple  would fully support the Fire Chief and Fire Dept and would speak out too.  


I'm a firm believer in followoing policy and procedures but it doesn't mean it's best in place which most of time is discovered once something happens that demands a review to implement a different policy, etc.  However, there has to be common sense and remember the "Human Element"..  This is such a tragedy and hopefully, someone in South Fulton-Obion County, TN w/address this matter and the Council will adhere to a policy that is in the "Best Interest of EVERY resident & Property Owner" while remembering there are Human lives involved & it's their "HOME"...Go



That's rich, coming from the guy who hasn't been able to show a single shred of evidence for the arrogant claim of "Not MORAL".   A little projection there, perhaps?


Thanks for letting us know that California is in such bad economic shape that it's now a cliche'.  


And Herb, my Greek friends would be very offended to hear you allege that I fried brain cells to learn a word that they use in casual conversation while describing things for which the word is eponymous - the same context in which I used it to refer to your position here.   


I'm not the only one who called you out on your bogus claims here, Herb.  Some of the people who also called you out are people with whom I've had some serious philosophical differences.  That's pretty good evidence that the facts are indeed not part of your opinion.

last comment from me over this: just read that supposedly thoses folks hadnt paid their fee's in 3 years

I dont think by any means Sam Cooper was suggesting Freelancing as a good idea, but at the same time as person I would find it extremely hard to stand around and do nothing while a person lost their home and pets.

If people were trapped in the house would you be able to stand and watch people die? Thats why we do what we do, to help people! Whether this was a fault of homeowner for paying his fee or not we are here to protect!

This also cant be blamed entirely on the firefighters who were told they couldnt help, they are volunteers some of them looked very young. I am sure they couldnt wait to get involved, but they never got the chance. I wouldnt be able to continue with a department that made that choice, I'd have a hard time trusting the officers.

I also luckily come from an area where we have a surplus of apparatus and departments, with mutual aid agreements allowing us to help each other when possible, so it is diffucult for me to understand their position on subscription to the department! Do they have pay for police too? If they are being shot at do cops come or check and see if they are all paid up first?  

Does this forum have a Moderator? If so, might I suggest you start removing the posts that are not even close to being on topic? Some of us actually want to discuss this topic.


Karr, can you give me a link so I can read it too? The last I read, it said he paid it last year, and the year before.

Did anyone listen to FirefighterNetcast last night?

If not, go here and listen to what MIKE WARD had to say. He came on after Dave Statter, but Mike got his hands on some local stuff about this Obion County fire: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/firefighternetcast/2010/10/07/firefigh...

Very interesting.


I know you listened to it. What did you think?

So, Carol: let me ask you; with this policy that you quote, it appears that the firefighters would have been within their right to fight the fire and ignore the directive by their superiors not to.

What then, in your opinion was so strong and so compelling that it kept the firefighters from carrying out their "oath"?

If they weren't fearful of a charge of insubordination or other similar charges, then what could possibly keep them from suppression tasks at the origin of the fire?



Obion County's rules for their non-fire department aren't the issue.

What is at issue is that the City of South Fulton has the right to respond only to their subscribers outside of their city limits.  That is the case in the incident under discussion.


South Fulton did adhere to what is best for every resident and property owner.

It is the PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY to have a subscription in order to protect his/her property when they intentionally built in an area with no fire department.


I have two questions for you:


1) Do you think it's fair for homeowners who have no fire protection contract to demand the same services for free that their neighbors must pay for?


2) Do you think it's right to require the City of South Fulton, population of around 2.500 to subsidize free fire protection for even one homeowner in Obion County, population of over 30,000?  Remember, we're talking about a fire department with an annual operating budget of approximately $8,000.

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