Here's another story of a homeowner who didn't pay the subscription fee for fire protection, believing that, if he had a fire, the fire department would come anyway.

He was wrong.

This follows the same line of thinking of districts who shut down their departments, believing that, if they needed fire protection, they could rely on mutual aid.

What is wrong with that thinking?

Read the story from Tennessee:



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...and, rescue services are provided by an entirely different volunteer organization:


Going to cut off the camel's nose to spite the face?

John Stossel or Geraldo Riviera are in the car and going to OBion County.


Stossel is a libertarian. This is EXACTLY the sort of vision of governance that libertarians hold.

You know; that title "No Pay? No SERVICE (edited)!" doesn't have the same snap to it.

I am going to throw caution to the wind and change it back to "No Pay? No Play!"

There; that's better.

How is that in any way shape or form fair? If that was the case then why would anybody ever pay the subscription to begin with? Only need to pay when your house is aflame? The whole point of the subscription service is that a collective group will pool their money together so that a member of said collective group will be covered in the event of a tragedy-- it is no different from an insurance policy and as such you need to pay your premiums whether or not you utilize services. 


If everybody only paid retroactive $75/year due when services are rendered, there is no way that the unaffiliated department that has no responsibility or duty to act will ever be able to recoup even a fraction of a fraction of a percent of their costs.  Then the tax liabilities of the department's population base go up exponentially because 75% of their costs are going virtually nonreimbursed (previous post stated 75% of all calls were in the rural subscrioption service) and thats not fair or right...i'm sorry but you cannot dismiss the fact that fire services cost a lot of money and if that money isnt there, then neither is the fire department and everybody loses. 

Sir Mike:

I had a couple of people "offended" by the original title, so I changed it.

Then, I saw the WT offer an excellent explanation, so I just HAD to change it back; you know, to eliminate any confusion.

But between you and me; I was actually going for a rhyme. MSNBC used "No Pay; No Spray". Bastards. Wish I had thought of it.

  My two cents is probably not worth a cent but here goes ,  if this is department policy than you have to follow those policies.  How ever personally the day those policies were adopted then I would miss the fire service but it would be my last day. That decision is made now however , not on  the fire ground.

"We have a local sidewalk ordinance that, among other things, stipulates that if the village determines sidewalk on your property needs to be fixed"


Sir, what you are describing is Big Government infringing on the God-given property rights of citizens. I'm shocked, shocked that you could endorse such fascism.


I can't believe that you didn't kick those (6) blue counties into Missouri.

Damn; red is my favorite color. It looks like a fire truck.

This type of situation happened where I live  (North Carolina ) back in 1970-71..local fire dept got dispatched to a house fire....homeowners didnt pay the fire tax....2 houses on either side did....they protected the 2 that were paid and let the 1 burn down.....that is how  my dept got started....NOW to kinda change things....I live the on the beautiful coast of NC....Just got through a busy tourist season my question is...if you are on vacation get in an MVA on my highway in my district...and YOUR license plate says you are from Alaska....and we roll up on scene and see the plate do we leave??...JUST because you are not from here---and around here with 4 MAJOR military bases in my neck of the woods...lots of "foriegn" plates we just "LOOK" at the plate and .....nope not from around here...lets go...because  "THEY" didnt pay local taxes ?? we dont do that here..granted the homeowner made a bad decision..but money aside .....that could have been settled later it STILL should have been put this can of worms....after 9-11 when WE all went TO help our brothers in NY ( AND I am a NYORKER ) did the taxpayers and chiefs say to all of those who went to help..say NO because of money???...I DIDNT THINK SO...

Photos of their apparatus indicate that they are indeed operating on a shoestring budget:

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