Here's another story of a homeowner who didn't pay the subscription fee for fire protection, believing that, if he had a fire, the fire department would come anyway.

He was wrong.

This follows the same line of thinking of districts who shut down their departments, believing that, if they needed fire protection, they could rely on mutual aid.

What is wrong with that thinking?

Read the story from Tennessee:



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So put out the fire, and then if the homeowner had not been paying his Fire Subscription fee (or whatever it's called locally), recoup the cost of putting the fire out. That's what lawyers are for, and I'm sure putting a lien on the property is no big deal. If the property has a mortgage on it, go after the bank which owns the property and recoup the cost from them. Go after enough banks for firefighting costs and they will eventually require mortgage holders to pay their subscription fees (by including it in the mortgage payment...just like property taxes).



I'm still trying to get my head around the whole idea/concept of payign for the service and coverage.


For the foreighner on the other side of the world, can someone give me a quick lesson on how it works and what this is actually about????


I would've assumed that if I live in your response area, you come when called. That's how our system works, Australia wide, so this is new ground for me....

What's that old Boy Scout motto? "Be prepared."



It's an old system we have here in U.S.


Basically the property owner in a pay-for-service district is required to pay a "subscription fee" to the Fire District for fire service. If the property "opts out" of the system, the Fire District is not legally required to fight fires on that property.


Kind of a lousy way to do things, and the fact that the system goes back to Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed days doesn't speak well of it.


It's mostly used in rural districts; within incorporated areas the authority having jurisdiction is usually responsible for fighting all fires within its area of responsibilty.



Wow! Fascinating concept- and certainly not one I would support.


Is it still fairly common? How is it determined (ie: is the information looked up during the call taking & despatch process and the FD is informed enroute)?

It was only 75 bucks.... pretty FN cheap

Something like 20 cents a day.

The subscription policy has been in force since 1990.

They had one burn down for non-payment of fee in 2008.

If you watch the video, the homeowner is on camera stating that he didn't pay the fee, but thought that they would show up anyway. Then he says, "I was wrong".

Subscription is so outdated.

If I live outside the city, I would start a movement to form a fire district. Then, something like this doesn't happen.

Well, at least they would be putting water on it.

Sounds too logical Greenman- stop it!!!

Art, I would bet your fire district is going to cost more than 75.00 a year.


It is an old system- yes... but like Philly said, it's 20 cents a day. Just pay the damn fee. 

I can kinda see both sides if you don't pay your trash bill they don't pick up your trash.

But as a firefighter I would not be part of a system that would stand and let someones house burn down. Does anyone know if this was a paid or volunteer dept? I could see it a little better if it was a paid dept because it would be these guys way of paying there bills.

Wonder what they do about EMS stand and watch someone die? What if someone would have been trapped inside do they let them die? What do they do if someone from out of town car is on fire let it burn?

OMG... I was gonna go off an a tangent about choosing to put food on the table or fire protection. But then I read the story.


$75 a year? That's all? People waste more money a year on lotto tickets that have worse odds! Pay the damn fee.

City: if someone has regrets and wants to pay as their place is burning...take the money and put it out!


There are no winners in this situation.



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