i know there is a Juniors Being Pulled From School to Go on Call post but what about seniors that are 18 years old? do they get to leave school for a call?

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Actually it is the law. I think you have to be 21 to be a cop in Washington.
I say they stay in school, thats the most important thing at this time in there lifes, and beside maybe the most carefree period of your life. We in this country need to do better with education.

Be safe!
Leaving school for an occasional fire call and going into the armed forces are not perspective of each other.
Simple answer. My department's by-laws state you can't join until you are 18 AND out of school.
OK, if there is a law requiring a person to be of a certain age, fine.

But if there is no law or age requirement, it would be age discrimination if one based a hiring ONLY on age.
You wouldn't.

So the majority of people who post in favor of leaving school to be a firefighter are 18 or younger and the majority of people who say stay in school, be a firefighter later are over 18...


This is just a "guestimate" but I'd bet a few dollars that I'm right.


The best point was made by capcityff. If you want to be a firefighter as a career, the best thing you can do is stay in school and get yourself to the top of the class. Employers look for SMART people. Slots for firefighter jobs (or any job for that matter) are few and far between. You need to put yourself in the best position you can. A school attendence record could be looked at. There's no column that says, "excused for firefighting duties" in that record, just a column for absenteeism. Employers look at that too...

I agree with the whole stay in school thing I did, but a couple hours maybe at the most a year fighting fire or whatever is really not going to impede someones ability to spell read or write. Unless things have changed in 2o years I think they spread all that education throughout the 13 years in school (including pre-school here). I think if they are going to respond it needs to be as stated before only when absolutely neccesary. But those are just my thoughts
Back In Trumansburg New York When I Was In High Scool There Were A Few Of Us That Were Memebers Of Trumansburg Fire / Rescue That Were Allowed To Respond From School. But This Was Only After We Had A Letter From The Chief Of The Department On File With The School Office And Only Then For 2nd Tone Outs Or Major Calls.
As a Junior in high school. I can carry my pager, and if the call is bad enough, such as, a structure, or a jawsrun, I would leave, but on anything else, I had the option, but decided if they got to the scene, and needed help, I'd leave when they called for another truck. I just got called out of class Friday morning because of a jawsrun, actually they didn't know at the time, so they just tone it out as a jawsrun, I just go to the Principal's office, and tell him, I got a call, and he'd let me go, because he now has a scanner in his office, because 5 of us Juniors are volunteers, and a few were saying there was a call, but wasn't, plus they didn't have their pager, so how would they know in the first place?
As a Junior in high school

And you are how old then? Doubting the 18 aspect.
There has been enough conversation as to why there is no reason to leave school, let alone someone under 18.
And if you are actually 18 and only a high school junior then in the name of all that is still good, pure, and holy on this planet, DO NOT leave school to go on a call you just can't afford to do that...

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