i know there is a Juniors Being Pulled From School to Go on Call post but what about seniors that are 18 years old? do they get to leave school for a call?

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we hire 18 year olds
been nice for at least 15 years now
No more than five absences per class, per semester. That tells me it's perfectly acceptable to leave school for an alarm once in a great while. (I cut class to go to the Flyers' Stanley Cup parade down Broad Street in 1975. And I still managed to graduate!)
ya but if you got all of your credits like i said in your senior your you don't learn a think its point less
like i said before senior year = nothing leaned its point less but they still force us to go even if we got all of the credits we need, that's why i think if you got all of your credits you should be allowed to leave for fire calls
Oh, it wasn't Doyle you were belittling, it was RAYMOND. Got it.

I wouldn't tell people it's okay to miss school either while misspelling every other word, but I doubt their spelling challenges have very much to do with responding to alarms during the school day. Something tells me there's much more to it than that.
Just so happened that my child was involved in a school bus accident and I didn't know anything about it until there was a camera in the faces of the children and the medics that were tanking them off the bus. I had to call PD to find out where and when it happened and we headed to the hospital. These pics were sold minutes after to a local station who put them on the air.
During the last 6 months of the academy they do roll on accusal calls. They are EMT basic and there is a Capt. and Engineer in charge of the crew . They rotate the stations they run out of. after the finals They are put on a waiting list for a regular station for their first year. Then on rotation until a permanent place opens.

Seriously, you're very excitable. But you're right, attendance guidelines and academic standards have changed quite a bit since you or I were in school. They're more lax in many districts these days.

Do you really think I don't understand the concept of following rules and staying in class? Seriously? I just don't buy it that missing part of a school day on rare occasions to assist in an emergency will irreparably harm one's academic standing.
Can you spell "taking"?
Mike, I think I said a major department. I know some departments hire 18 year old applicants. In Washington you must be 19.
Yeah, but how often is that going to happen with the Flyers? Just kidding!

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