i know there is a Juniors Being Pulled From School to Go on Call post but what about seniors that are 18 years old? do they get to leave school for a call?

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If the Army accepts you without a diploma or GED - even if conditionally - they accept you.

Be that as it may, the point is that if it's okay to leave school for the Army (and continue your education there) it's not a big deal to leave school for an alarm and continue your education back there an hour later.
Interestingly, many of the responses in support of (as well as some against) students leaving school for fire calls, based on their attempts to spell, are exemplars of exactly why students should NOT be leaving school for any reason other than more school.

I noticed that too.
The Military takes people that are 18 and out of school on in one exception and that is if there is a draft.. When I went into the Army I had to have my HS diploma. I did sign up before i graduated but I did not go to basic until I had that diploma. As far as the GED training in the military that is for the people who got in prior to the military tighting up the requirements. It has been an exceptional program that works.

While you were telling Doyle he can't spell - "(and possibly can't read)" - you misspelled grammar.

If you miss a class or two you do get behing in high school unless you can make it up.
WP....no the Army is not accepting you, they are providing an access to a necessary requirement for enlistment for those who may not have the resources to do so. If they do not meet the requirement, they do not get in the Army. They still must complete boot camp before they are accepted into the Army.

Secondly, you make it sound as though it is OK to drop out of school because one can still join the Army because the Army will help you meet the education requirement. It really isn't that simple. In fact it is easier to just finish HS than to attempt to fall back on something which isn't a guarantee.
Now you want me to do it right, I ahve been cut by that same glass, just don't throw the rocks back at me!
Thanks for the advice, I looked at it. I think you are correct.
No it is not Louise, get the kids out of there.
The physical does matter, read the law. No one under 18, at all.
The minimum age for out fire department in 18 If They pass all of the testing they will be going to the Academy and my the time they graduate the they will be 20

Then how are you justifying that you have minors, 16 and 17 yr olds, on fire scenes then? Are they actually helping or just observing?
I was refering to WestPhilly, no major department, that I know of, will hire an 18 year old. Nineteen seems to be the minimum.

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