I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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yeah lutan1, exactly like that.
How sad that at such an early age, you have that blinkered outlook on life. There's some amazing people out there Tyler- including Muslims (shock horror!) who have an amazing zest for life. Beleive it or not, we can ALL learn from each other....

You're hung up on the one difference between 12/7/41 and 9/11/10, which is that one was perpetrated by a nation's armed forces and the other was perpetrated by members of an extremist religious group.

However, the similarities greatly outnumber that one difference.
In case you missed it, the 9/11 hijackers didn't wear anything that identifies them as combatants, they planned a sneak attack during a time of peace, they killed thousands of Americans, they attacked our military and our economy, and they felt that they had a good reason to do mass violence against the U.S.

You're also ignoring the fact that war has changed greatly since WWII. Starting with Vietnam, there has been a move away from traditional wars fought by two sides who wear uniforms and identify themselves as combatants. Look around - the people who fight terrorism wear uniforms, are part of an organized military, etc.

The terrorists hide among civilian populations, wear civilian clothing, and are in fact civilians. That doensn't change the fact that sneak attacks that kill thousands of Americans have only occurred twice, and both were on U.S. soil.

Your hairspliltting about the 9/11 attackers not representing a country is just that - hairsplitting. You may see it that way, but lots of others do not. Their opinions - and mine - are no less valid for disagreeing with you.
I agree to all of that Tyler James.
Come on, John. Stop with the MSNBC talking points generalizations.

When you resort to that kind of labeling, the ad hominems have cleared the table of both reasoned debate and logic.
It seems a lot of people are bound and determined to put their spin on anything that is said by anyone who thinks that the Ground Zero mosque isn't a good idea. Apparently, you're in that group.

I sure hope you are looking in the mirror when you typed that, if there is any spin being put on this, you are putting a lot on. Bit of the pot calling the kettle black there.
Come on, John. Stop with the MSNBC talking points generalizations.

When you resort to that kind of labeling, the ad hominems have cleared the table of both reasoned debate and logic.

Sure is ironic how you don't hesitate to label yourself there, pretty hypocritical wouldn't you say?

My response was in regards to the POTUS caring more about other countries than ours...this is a viewpoint I have observed a few times on Fox News. I stated you see many who blindly follow such opinions on outlets LIKE Fox News, because often enough, I see people touting many of the same viewpoints in discussions.
That is such bullshit. You are an Australian, you have no idea what a true American is.
Stop MSNBC, I don't watch the news on NBC. So I have no idea what their talking points are. Quit presumptive of you to say I do. I do not watch FIXed new either, PBS has at least a balanced view. You just cant get over that people do not agree with you, you have to be correct. What a burden. My chief is like that too.
Isn't there some issue in Australia you can worry about?
Yeah, that's a clever response Gregory. Think of that one by yourself?
That is such bullshit. You are an Australian, you have no idea what a true American is.
And Gregory if some of the close minded, narrow points of view I'm seeing on this disccusion are a reflection of a "true" American, then thank God I'm an Australian.
Well, yes I did. I was addressing Mr. Tyler James.

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