I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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where in the world are u even located and my wife is actually from new york and had to witness this in real time and deal with this thought of her friend and her friends baby who died that day and the last place a moscue belongs is anywhere near the sight it is sacred and those type of people are just trying to make it about them so go ahead and bite me
and i can tell u that i will never forget and if i ever did my wife will make sure to remind me and everyone else in the world
dude you better be happy my cannot call u she would keep u on the phone all night . I mean hell you did not even live anywhere near new york all u seen was what was on the tv and not the actual distruction u were not there as the bodies were coming out i was there with the red cross helping people and also helping firefighters and you think i did not see the people laughing about the ditruction and they were all the muslims that were looking on and laughing and also did u have to smell the smell of bodies for months well i did and as the wife of a firefighter and was also dating a firefighter and was friends with many of the firefighters in new york i will never forget that sight of those muslims laughing and also being told to leave by the police so that they did not die that day from the hands of the people that were there

I will never and do not ever want to forget the men and women that died not just the firefighters and police officers but also my own friend michelle and her daughter savana and all the other souls that died that day and i hope that no one ever can forget that day and i hope that everyday everyone will pray for those familys of the lost and for the souls of the ones who survived and will also pray everyday for the firefighters that go out and do there jobs and hope for a safe return to there familys

"...and those type of people are just trying to make it about them..."
Which type of people are you talking about. The ones that deserve and are entitled to the EXACT same rights and freedoms of religion as you are? Or are you one of those types who thinks only christians are entitled to those rights?
well why put the moscue there why not a block away there is no other churchs in the area so why allow this and u can bite me also and go and try to save another moron as u put it
Clearly you have no idea what rights you and other americans are entitled to. You do realize that they own the building, have all the legal right to do as they wish with the building and you're objection is solely that they are muslim? Hmmmm, I'm betting you consider yourself to be a "good" christian. Am I right?
no i am a good american and a sinner at heart and freedom of religion does not exist these days that is why kids get in trouble for praying in front of other kids without getting in trouble and is it not supposed to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD in the pledge of allegence well that has changed so where did religion go because i am not seeing a freedom of religion anymore you are just another a**hole that was not there and did not see any of it just sat at home and watched the tv i was there were u?
Jack/dt Yeh. Good night.
kevin allen, good night.
kevin allen, it's late good nigt.
Jack/dt it's getting late good night.
kevin allen, I remember working on the Air Force Base and I saw a bald eagle fly around and everything was quiet on the base and on the news I saw the 2 jets hit the twin towers in NYC , hit the building in Washington,DC, and out in a field. So I had tears in my eyes. When that day comes next mont, I will put black tape on my shirt and lower the flag.

It's getting late good night.

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