I am against people who lay off firefighters because towns and cities need lots of firefighters to put out the many fires that need to be put out.  So how do all of you feel about the firefighter layoffs reciently? 

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Tont P, No he doesn't.
Lutan1 I am against people who lay off Firefighters. I am 21 years in being a first responder and volunteer firefighter here in Mass. I also can't read and or write.
We don't need firefighters- statistically we're getting less fires, so why have all these people sitting around the station watching Jerry Springer?

The skillset is not that special- we can train the garbage collectors to do the job- multi skill and save tax payers even more money.

Same goes for Police- crime rates are down- we could train up the local bus drivers to do that job. Think about it- bus drivers spend huge amounts of time behind the wheel picking up passengers. We could give them a radio and a gun and if they spot a crime being committed while "patrolling", they could intervene. Saves us tax payers even more money.

As for Paramedics- well look at it. Seriously, how hard can it be to put a band-aid on someone. Don't Scouts get taught first aid? We could use them. They could expand their "bob-a-job" program.
Tony P I am not a kid, but I am in my 40's for age and I would like to thank you for your last thing that you said about me. We do have kids on our department here in Mass.
Lutan 1 how did you know that a you are talking to a female? You are right, you are talking to a female because my husband can't read and wright and so I have been typing for him all this time. My husband is a first responder and volunteer firefighter for 21 years now and still going until he retires.
Jack/dt lol what do you mean by that?
Mrs Edmund Ford Power 3rd. That your husband cannot read nor write isn't a crime. The lack of those skills can however be corrected (in most instances). To be posting on here with such minimal skills is inviting smart-arse comments. I was not paying a compliment in my earlier post, I was being a smart-arse. His(your) profile says that he has been a junior FF for 21 years - just a little too long I think?
G'day Jack - what is that 'Miranda rights' thing you spoke of? I (obviously) didn't read the thread you mentioned, which one is it?
How can someone be first responder and firefighter and not be able to read? Is that possible? Don't they have test in Mass.? WOW
Tony p, We need to go now because we need to have dinner and so we say good night. Also thanks for saying that.
Tony P Huh what do you mean? And I don't want any trouble and I'm sorry that I'm different, but that is how I am. I just want to be a part of all of you guys and I just want to have fun talking to all of you. All of my fellow firefighters help me with my corses and other things I need help with.
Gregory Borg, Yeh and I passed every single one. It is called an oral test and in Mass. there is a law that allows people like me to be able to pass a test.

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