The dept. I belong to is strickly volunteer and where I am from considered a non-profit organization, so our funds for equipment and such comes from fund raising and our weekly bingo games, Which does help us keep our heads above water. However we are looking to purchase some newer turnout gear and SCBA's and our fund raising has stalled. So if anyone out there has any newer ideas for us please reply

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*embarrassed* Sorry, I forgot to include the link to the Ramp Festival.
Know what a 50/50 drawing is? That's a big fund-raiser and any I've ever won I've always donated my half of the 50/50 back to the group who sold the tickets. Check your local/state laws though, sometimes there's laws governing any event/fundraiser that involves someone winning cash.

I did see someone below mentioned going to a dealership and asking them to donate a car, motorcycle, atv or other big item, that's popular here in Texas. The tickets of course have to be sold for more than a dollar each and sometimes the dealer wants some payment for the "donated vehicle", but if you sell enough tickets everyone gets something. :)
try a fish fry we do one every year for our the town yard sale and we sold out 900lbs of fish in 4hrs.
We did a 24 hour fire truck sit for MDA last year, turned out really good in our small community
I am in the middle of trying to start a winter fundraiser. I remember last winter seeing on the news that alot of people in the big cities are going to Organized Board game nights. My idea is to keep the entrance fee small but set out a donation jar and maybe a 50/50. There will be tables set up with quick play games like connect 4, trouble, etc.(brought by FF families) The winner of each game will get a poker chip and at the end of the night there will be a prize for the most wins and a booby prize for the most lost. Donated prizes of course and the snacks during all made and donated by the FF spouses and families. Cost should be minimal, so the majority will be all for the equipment funds. It will be family friendly and a great way for us all to get together with our families and community and NOT be as much WORK as the fish fry and Breakfast! LOL
For the last 4 years we have been associated with a group called The Fire Within which does a yearly calendar.
It is all volunteer dept's & started in Alberta only but now has spread across Canada & into the U.S. Northeast.
They have numerous fire equipment sponsors & one of the many give-aways the group does is a free trip to FDIC.
They also take a large group to FDIC every year at an affordable price.
I went in 2008 & it was an awesome experience.
I could go on & on but check out the link to see what it is all about.
there some of the bars in the city (edmonton) allow for guest bartending. which allows members to volunteer as bar staff and then gets all the tips. i've seen upwards of 2500$$ for this. our sister hall did a "firefighters in the sky" for donations and they sat in a bucket for 24 hours (ive seen firehall roof too) they also did fireman's ball (formal) and invited the community. also your regular ":dunk the firefighter, soak firefighter with hose, etc for donations at local fair days. the last fire hall i was with also does a casino night. basically same as the bar thing but at a casino. the made in the 20 thousand range.... good luck
we do a carnival, sell raffel tickets for prizes, fund drive, open house, fill the boot etc. hope this helps your department.
Adult soapbox derby, find a hill in your town, entry fee, sell food, get some guide lines on soapbox derby's. This year we had our second annual derby and it is free to the town but where you make your money is the fees and the food. Get some local sponsors. It is a lot of work but if you are interested let me know I will give you a guy you can contact to get it started. Great fun for the hole family. There is also the parade of lights for Christmas anyone who would like to enter have an entry fee. Then in your Fire House host for some cookies, hot chocolate, you know, baked goods. Then have Santa come for the little ones. Invite other local volunteer companies and anyone who would like to decorate there trailer, motorcycle, what ever it may be. Again it is a good family event, and it is beautiful. Have a contest with the best truck. Hope this helps.
My dept. hosts a picture drive every summer- the pictures are taken for a donation(what ever amout the citizen wishes) they get 1 free picture then can buy up to 30 of different sizes. Also every fall we have a yard sale. The items are donated by the citizens of the community. We get enough support $$ wise from the community we just need volunteers! Hope this helps! If you want more percise info send me a message!
Well sometimes our Department has Bake sales,Hotdogs,pies,things of that nature.Our guys' wives of course do the but thats helped us out quite a bit.We also had a big motorcycle ride that raised over $1900 I'm not quite sure how everything went on it.I think we had an entry fee for it and I know we sold T-shirts and memorabilia things like that for the event as well.Then this past fall we had what we call a Fall Festival in our local park and had food,games,concessions.Which sadly in our department the $1900 we raised we all believe went into someone elses pocket because now they say we don't have enough money to buy Toilet Paper and cleaning supplies for our station.Now thats pretty pathetic.I don't know why the board members don't vote the person in charge of our money off.
We cover about 1800 homes . We send out a beg letter an ask for a $35 donation from each home owner. We let them know what we are doing to make the dept. better . like in 2008 ISO come in an rerated our dept. , went from a 9 to a 5 . then had them come back an rate our tanker operation & got a blanket 5 for our area. saving them $ on insurance. The donation went from about $16000 to $20000 . Not all will give, but some will give more. We have also sold the address signs for $25 each ,that can be a lot of work . we set up in frount of Wal mart one day an sold $2000 in signs. You can also go door to door if you are willing to take the time.Thay are a good thing at night when you are looking for house #. Thay will jump out at you.


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