OK...I have noticed that we have all these EXPERTS here giving such great advice, slamming their Departments in a public forum,Acting as authorities that want to buck their Chiefs,No timers (no longevity in the Fire Service).....So I will ask you all this....at a Fire call should I put my right boot on first or my left...?  Would it be the same for MVA calls...?  And what about Carbon Monoxide calls....?  Does it change with the seasons....?  I am sure all those interested in the "colors of trucks", "colors of turn out gear"..."Jrs on calls" and the like will have the answers I so despirately need.....Thank-you all...............Paul    LOL  sorry I couldn't help myself....

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I'm with Rick. I never thought about which foot went in first until now. Thanks Paul! lol
And don't forget to leave your suspenders between your boots when you put them on so you'll get a thrill when you yank your pants up!!! LMAO
lol.......I laugh because I did it. And I know I'm not the only one.
You never listened to Scare America...err.....Air America did you?
Derek...Did it come with one of those iterruptors that change the traffic light as you approach them....? I could get to "happy hour" at least 30 seconds earlier if I had one...........
Damn it.....I only did it once....word is out on that one already...? OK guys who has the big mouth....? I bet it was "Pappa Smurf" He got it with the blue powdered kool-aid in his fire boots and hasn't been right since.......LOL
to get that, I would have to get the " I fight what you fear" window decal, and I thought that would make me seem whacker-ish.
Happy hour??..see ya there.
Scare America...can't you catch that on FIX..er..I mean FOX?
Been there, done that! hahaha
I always go with the left foot first because my flash hood is in my right boot so I slide it on as my left foot Is going in my boot


Understanding now your need to have more direction toward your donning of PPE, I wanted to remind you that there was a song written to help you out. It's called the Hokey Pokey... You put your right foot out... you get the picture. The most important thing to consider of course is making sure that your boots are well maintained and kept clean, and ready for Action!

Hope this both helps you out buddy as well as let folks know how seriously I am taking your issue.

it says you are retired....you can stop licking the Chief's boots now......

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