This discussion will NOT be closed ( least not by me)
what you need...
what you want....

Recognizing and accepting that (most especially) people in this profession tend to be strongly opinionated and have a wicked sense of humor, attempting to regulate humor and opinion, especially in the midst of a "conversation", is both presumptuous and dictatorial. 

Towards that end, there is no off-topic discussion in this thread, so long as you can 'somehow' relate it back to respect.  Take it where ever it goes, sarcasm is allowed.  No...really.

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I suppose you raise a valid point. Being chosen by a goddess, for whatever reason could be considered an honor. Perhaps I should exercise the powers she intimates I possess...and delete her comments. That would raise her ire a notch or two.
Paul, well said! Whatever uniform we may wear as public servants (firefighter, EMT, Police, etc.), we must work every day to earn and keep the respect of our community, co-workers, friends, and family. Respect should never be a "given" because you put on an article of clothing.
WP ... this is too perfect!! My parents had a huge issue with improper usage of "them"!

Exactly how much free time do you have?
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me..."
Robert I both agree (2 way street) and disagree....I feel that all 3 things go into earning respect.....time, experience and actions.....they interact so much that they reflect one another.....Paul
In my opinion actions far out way experience, and tenure. I know guys that have 20 years on, and have kicked and scremed the entire way, never showing anyone anything, and always giving people younger than them a hard time, and when it finally came time to show what they knew....they failed at the worst battle.

Experience is only as good as the up keep. Sure guys in my FD fought alot of fires in the 70's and 80's but the failur eon there part to stay current with new construction, new tactics, now have them almost as useful as a rookie on todays fireground, yet they still demand that respect, but continue to deny it to anyone without similar tenure, but with greater fireground performance.
"That would raise her ire a notch or two."

Yeah, like that's hard to do.
Hmmmm seems someone had their feelings hurt in the past....well, gave you my point on this...if you don't want to hear it then don't ask....PS...might want to see someone about that chip on your might get in the way sometime or another.....Paul
I don't remember asking for it first of all....I simply responded to the original post. You offered your opinion in response to mine....sounds like someone has a chip of there own to deal with.

No I have no chip on my shoulder.....I have acutally been treated quite well in my time in the FD (due to me being a legacy). These are purley outside observations I have witnessed when other new firefighters join the ranks.

Be nice to the younger guys....they may save your life one day!
Don't get all up in 'arms' about it. Sheesh, demi-goddesess can be so unpredictable.
I am the original poster of this thread, and I approve this discussion.

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