This discussion will NOT be closed ( least not by me)
what you need...
what you want....

Recognizing and accepting that (most especially) people in this profession tend to be strongly opinionated and have a wicked sense of humor, attempting to regulate humor and opinion, especially in the midst of a "conversation", is both presumptuous and dictatorial. 

Towards that end, there is no off-topic discussion in this thread, so long as you can 'somehow' relate it back to respect.  Take it where ever it goes, sarcasm is allowed.  No...really.

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If you had said "Always right", you would have been right, for once. Still, that's progress.
You can always tell a Marine (happy with the uppercase m?), but you just can't tell them much.
You can really walk away humming that tune.
Yeah, but I think I'll stick around.
That's "...tell HIM much". Let's pay closer attention to our grammar.

Uppercase M = more progress. Nice!
Thanks for the heads up. Not sure how that slipped by me but oh well. I would have put "HIM" in boldface for emphasis as opposed to upper case, which could suggest a possible reference to a deity. (Of course, the sentiment still stands, corrected or otherwise)
One would hope.
I had to go with uppercase for emphasis, for I know not how to do the boldface thing. Oh well.
Philly, right above the little typy box, on the far right is a dark uppercase B, you just click on that and then type. Come on this ain't rocket surgery here.

Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting you walk away, humming or anything else. It was just my way of saying that I didn't think it was a very...melodic song. Generational most likely.
I thought we were allowed to be sarcastic?

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