Not everyone is into putting stickers on their vehicles... Some might have a tendency to go a little overboard. Where do you stand on this? Do you have one or more fire department related stickers on your vehicle? Do you justify having the decals to prevent getting a ticket or do you just like stickers?

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I have an American Flag, Maltese Cross, and Star of Life on my back window and all are small. They are both to remind me what I do and represent when I drive and also so that when I respond Code 3 to medical emergencies people can id my POV. I never have and never will try or expect to weasel out of a ticket with them. I believe if you did the crime then do the time.
I have two (2) fire related magnetic decals on the back of my car but thats it.
Great that drives me nuts! Be proud and put a sticker on but please don't over do it! If I see one more "firewalker" lic plate...or "leave em wet" sticker on a truck...I'm gonna puke! I'm as proud as the next guy to be a FF...but you will get a lot more respect if you act like it's not a big deal. And dudes you are not gonna get chicks with this crap either!
Just a union sticker.
just my NRA sticker! it says it
I have 1 sticker that I created myself on my tailgate, the only reason I decided to put the sticker on my truck was to cover up scratches on the tailgate that i recieved from pulling different things and the chain slipped, plus the sticker was cheaper than a new paint job on tailgate lol.
Yes it does.
FYI- if your going to let your kid drive your POV with the union sticker on the back, make sure he pulls to right to let that big-ol fire truck pass. Those lights and sirens mean something.
We have one on the rear drivers side window. It is used to sort out what vehicles belong to dept members on scenes.
I have Idaho Firefighter Support plates as well as one Fire Dept. decal on my back window near the drivers side. It only says Fire Dept and nothen else, some on our Dept. have our city name as well as Volunteer on it. We are paid on call but not a full time Dept. so none of us have union decals.
every one on ower dept has one sticker and it has ower name and ower dept name and what we are wether were just a FF or EMT-P and who is chief or Asst. Chief and so on, so if we show up in ower POV's CSP can see what we are.

And i have a stupid question for all of you. If there is a accident or what ever and they find out who you are can you still get in trouble or is that still in effect.

thank you doug
I have three 3" x 3" stickers in my rear window.
1. Maltese cross with the word "Firefighter" in it.
2. A star of life with "EMT-B" on it.
3. A HAZMAT "Operations level" sticker.

Stay safe!

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