Not everyone is into putting stickers on their vehicles... Some might have a tendency to go a little overboard. Where do you stand on this? Do you have one or more fire department related stickers on your vehicle? Do you justify having the decals to prevent getting a ticket or do you just like stickers?

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My bad....[ s ]....(it didn't come up as incorrect, damn navy spell checker).
Well said Padre!! Thank you!
I have one sticker on the rear of van. It's just FF with smaller letters fire fighter below it. No dept. I used to have a bumpersticker "The voices in my head tell me your a bad person". Lost that bumper.
Somebody read it. Thats great. Thanks Firewriter. Keep The Faith.

After this, I've run out of room!
I see people all around that have there cas say fire rescue, and have there dept stickers on them our the volunteer license plates. When I get my car in a few months ill have a few stickers on it.... But not going over board lol
Start another row!!
Nope never had them, and probably never will.
See I can see having a license plate and some stickers if you are going to have lights and sirens. That way if you respond POV people will know who you are, it can also work for the better if people running lights and sirens had to put there call number on there POV so if they abused it then some one could call and complain about them and not every one would be punished for that one persons stupidity.... That is my opinion.
I have both of my organizations (fire and ems/rescue) on the back of my truck in reflective white for several reasons. Added visibility, it helps us recognize our brothers on the road, it helps individuals identify that it is indeed a responder's vehicle, those who may need it moved can identify what chief to approach, and it is a point of pride and distinguishment in my companies. Our pride and competitiveness should drive us to be better at what we do.

But the above is absolutely ridiculous...

I like the Steelers sticker and the Bush sticker...but that's it!
Thats cool! Sonar...somebody in the Navy?
If they are makes them inquire so you don't have to throw it in their face. And yes...the firefighter/emt sticker on my wife's car has gotten her out of three tickets...

It's discretionary mutual respect..why exactly is that a problem for you?

And barring reckless or wild driving, you're okay with officers impeding an emergency response...?

But yeah...definitely...proper identification is necessary...

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