I am wondering what you all thought about a few things.

1) Should Felons be allowed to be Firefighters?
2) Does your fire department hire felons?
3) If you are a firefighter and you are convicted of a felony, should you be fired?

The reason why I bring this up is because I got an email recently about Richmond (VA) Fire Department hiring.

Apparently, they have dropped the requirements for employment:

* Have no felony convictions for any offense within 60 months preceding the date of application;

I got the information here

I cannot speak for the department if this was an actual drop in requirement or if it has always been this way.

I thought that if you were a felon, you were always a felon. The only way to get a felony off your record is to have the Courts expunge it from your record.

What do you all think?

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I dont have a problem discussing this, do you really want to know? Paul most people on this site have been respectful and actually understand where i'm comming from however, you seem to be different.

Why do you think you are a better person? Just curious!
Most of us don't let Marion Barry, Kwame Kilpatrick, Mike Vick, or Mike Danton, Dany Heatley, or Bob Probert into our homes during a crisis involving ourselves or a family member. We do invite firefighters, paramedics, and cops into our homes at those times and under those circumstances.

We're held to a higher standard than politicians and sport figures - and we should be.
There's a reason firefighters are #1 in the Top 5 of the Most Trusted professions. That puts us ahead of even teachers, doctors, and nurses.

Screening out felons, including the occasional repentent one, is part of the reason we're in that position.
Eric, prisons are full of felons who make exactly the same claim. Why should we believe that you are any different?
wow this one threw me....what about Nam some of those came from behind bars risked thier lives just like we do...sure if there was a draft again slim to non but if there was??????...I'm sure they'd pull sum out ,guess what i'm trying to say is that no one is better then another. I loved comeing here and reading all of these posts but man for those who are held up to a higher standared there sure is alot of hate an distrust..I am a fellon from 20 years back party to B an E i sat in the car an didnt even know the driver did what he did i thought he went to see a bud he was gone for 10 min....an he came back ,for that pound stakes into my hands an feet bulid a fire under me an strike a match.....O and for those with plea bargin crap there was non in my case...but just 3 days ago there was a fire in a cut corn field by my house, I was the first one there and put a good half out before ur dept even showed up cuz i live on the border an its aways.....guess i could have taken the foot hold u guys take an say i'm good enough, i couldn't do the job,hummmmm tell that one to the 3 peoples lives in a fire i saved,the two i did CPR on,or better yet the four i cut out of a car with the jaws..ya know i could never be held as high as any of u guys...
Not to mention i'm on two depts and yes they both know of what happened,I gave them the court transcripts..Oh an yes i am one of 5 that have the ICS training i have in our county..
It all depends.
Well said!! I work for a state agency and we do not hire felons; nor will we grant them certification or a license. Whatever the offense was, it does not matter.

It is sad when someone makes a mistake and ends up with a felony offense on their record - especially early in their lives. However, being a public servant means you are being held to higher, stricter, standards than non-public servants. The citizens are the ones paying the salaries and they do not want someone with a criminal background working for them. That is just the way it is.
The tax dollars that pay the street department, water department, parks and recreation department, etc. pay for employees who are not held to that higher standard, because they are not put in a position of trust with the lives, health, and property of private citizens.

It's not just who pays the salary, it's the priviledges given to public safety employees and the higher standards to which we're held. Both are factors for fire, EMS, and police.

Then again, wouldn't you want water department or parks department employees that you could trust to return your wallet and contents intact if they found it in the street?
If someone with a felony lies on a paramedic application, it's a sign of continuing dishonesty. That's not a great way to ask the public to give trust if you already have a felony conviction.
Well I found this thread to be very interesting. Should a person that was convicted of a felony be a fire fighter. Well that is based on many different items. I know some have already been said, but I want to repeat them anyhow, and add in a few that might not have been mentioned.

1. What was the felony for?
2. Was the person a repeated offender?
3. How long ago was it?
4. Was it a violent crime?
5. Did it deal with touching a person/child in the wrong way? (which I personally think those people should just get the chair!)
6. Was it for drugs?
7. The list of questions can never end.

Well myself yes I do have a felony, and no I AM NOT PROUD of it. I made a mistake back in July of the year 2000. I made a false confession to a crime trying to "cover a friends butt." I have to pay the price for it the rest of my life. It was a class 4 felony and the smallest crime in the state of Illinois that can be charged as a felony. This charge of Obstruction of Justice in Illinois will either get you a misdemeanor or a felony. Depends on what the States Attorney feels at that point in time. Now all I did was lie about something to a police officer 10 just about 10 years ago. No there is some places that will not hire me because of 1 mistake in my life. The fire department however, was willing to give me that second chance at life to do a positive thing and make a difference in someone else's life, and also to help the community. No when I went to the monthly board meeting no I didn't think I would get voted on to be with the fire department because of that felony. I felt that way because I know you will get rejected all the time cause no one will see a person that made a mistake one time in their life that a good person. I was given that second chance that I needed, and I am very thankful that I was able to get that second chance. I love being with the fire department, and I really love to learn what it takes to be a fire fighter, and to help save lives. Now enough talking about my situation; I want to add in my personal feelings about this subject.

No I do not believe that if you are a sex offender or committed any violent crimes that you should be hired on. If you committed a violent crime then stats have shown those people to be repeaters. Plus if someone was charged with a felony of raping a woman or little child I do not want that person standing next to me trying to save a life. What are they going to do. Now for minor felons such as myself with my situation I think fire departments should have a rule of that felony being at least 5 years old. Now looking outside the felony part of it, because there are other charges that aren't always felonies such as a DUI. I feel those should be at least 3 years old before being hired on. I have a lot of feelings on if a person has a felony if they should be hired or voted on or not. I also have some feelings on the acceptions to that where they should be allowed to be a fire fighter. This is one of those topics that have so many different view points to it, and everyone has a difference of opinion.
True...they are opinions...and I agree many factors come into play...in your case making a false statement is rather a minor issue to be a felony and I am surprised that it went that route...I thought it would be a misdemeanor....Felony DWI not DUI does bar one from becoming a Firefighter in many areas...BUT, I disagree that after 3 years or 5 years that we forget about it....again it all falls upon the crime comitted and yes, they are crimes.....I commend you in being honest and up front with your past when getting into the Department....that does truely show your character....I do still have issues with those that try and hide their past or worse yet lie about it to get in....the felony may have been a minor issue as yours or something more serious....but if he truely learned his lesson then why lie about it.....?


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