The story of The maltese cross. I feel we can't do our job unless we know where we come from.

The badge of a Firefighter is the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection, a badge of honor, and its story is hundreds of years old. When a courageous band of Crusaders, known as the Knights of St. John, fought the Saracens for possession of the Holy Lands, they were faced with a new weapon not known to European fighters. It was a simple but horrible device of war. The Saracens weapon was fire.

As the Crusaders advanced on the walls of the city, they were bombarded WITH GLASS BOMBS CONTAINING NAPTHA. When they were saturated with the liquid, the Saracens threw flaming torches into the Crusaders. Hundreds of Knights were burned alive while others risked their lives in an effort to save their kinsmen from painful fiery deaths. Thus, these men became the first Firemen and the first of a long line of firefighters. Their efforts were recognized by fellow Crusaders who awarded each other with a badge of honor similar to the cross firefighters wear today.

Since the Knights of St. John lived for close to four centuries on the Island of Malta, in the Mediterranean Sea, the Cross came to be known as the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is your symbol of protection. It means that the Firefighter that wears the cross is willing to lay down his life for you, just as the Crusaders sacrificed their lives for their fellow man many years ago. The Maltese Cross is a Firefighter’s badge of honor, signifying that he works in courage------a ladder rung away from death.

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I could do my job just as well whether or not I knew the "origin" of the fire service symbol. I think too many people get caught up in the symbology. What does it matter where it came from? It doesn't affect the way we do the job today (or it shouldn't). And what, you wouldn't take the same risks on the job if you didn't know the "origin"? I doubt it. What should be important is the history of the US fire service and then the history of your own department.

As Vic pointed out the symbol is not used universally. Does that mean that the UK, EU, Australian, Middle-Eastern, Asian et al fire services are not as valid as ours? Hardly. But it is a very american thing to have to be the biggest, bestest, oldest, etc. So I guess...have fun with it, it's really just another fable.

You're absolutely correct, knowing where and how our symbols came about will not help a single Firefighter do his or her job any better. But it does make him or her a better Firefighter.

There is much more to being good in your career field then simply being able to do the "grunt work," which is taught by simple training. Learning about the history and heritage of the Fire Service as a whole, the history in your region and city, are part of being educated.

What you ask is similar to someone asking, "why should I visit Europe, when everything I need to live is within a 50-mile radius of my house?" that may be true, but going through life with such a narrow view of the world is pathetic way to live.

There is more to life than work and sleep and American Idol (a whatever brain candy is popular this month).

Why do Generals study military history? It doesn't have any effect on how wars are fought today, but it makes them well-rounded leaders.

thank for the history of our badges.
thanks thats something i did not know.
I understand that, but it should be essential to know if you are supposably that into what you do.

Right now, I'm picturing your life being limited to "work and sleep and American Idol..."
Apparently, American Idol is where you get all of your intellectual ammo...I knew there had to be a flaw in your reasoning in the discussion about the creche at the Charleston firehouse back around, holiday time. Now I find out that you were just channeling Simon Cowell the entire time.

Just think, if you'd study American history instead of American idol, you'd know more about the Constitution and be more well rounded, or something.

How would knowing the background of the "maltese cross" make a person a better firefighter? According to that logic then ONLY those firefighters that are aware of the story can be a "better FireFighter." I guess that pretty much eliminates all other fire services except the U.S.

My previous statement included the following, "What should be important is the history of the US fire service and then the history of your own department."
I'm having a hard time finding how what I said is any different than what you said, "There is much more to being good in your career field then simply being able to do the "grunt work," which is taught by simple training. Learning about the history and heritage of the Fire Service as a whole, the history in your region and city, are part of being educated." Again, you're saying that without knowing all of the histories one can NOT be a good firefighter? Really?

Your analogy about the history of the maltese cross and visiting europe is specious at best. One can not compare reading the history of a symbol with visiting a collection of nations and cultures with their own histories. It's rather a bit more than one might find in Vegas.

Finally, on your assessment about why generals study military history; again your analogy fails. Military leaders begin and end with military history, not just ours but that of other nations. It's integral to a military leader's ability to lead to know and understand his enemy and his tactics. Considerably more material there than simply parroting some cobbled up history of a symbol.
Hahahaha well let me play simons role. Obviously you lead your life on such pathetic morals that you let a simple history lesson that most people enjoyed. Get your panties in a bunch. Honestly its quite sad. It seems to me your just a bitter burned out fireman that probably don't know it, but it might be time to throw in the towel. For your info I dont watch t.v.
it is NOT essential to know, to be a firefighter. As I've pointed out there are many other nations that don't know squat about OUR supposed history of the maltese cross. Unless you're willing to say that NO OTHER NATION is as good as ours in firefighting. Are you willing to say that?
Robert, apparently you don't know very much about me.
For starters, I NEVER wear panties.
OK, I'll bite. Why is it essential? I've fought hundreds of fires in my career, and not a one of them cared if I was wearing something with either a Firefighter cross or a Maltese cross on it, or if I knew the history.

Knowing fire behavior is essential. Knowing the history of the Maltese cross - not so much.
LOL Ben, it's because of those/these very comments that I have the respect for you that I do. BTW...who is simon cowell?

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