So, we have one smooth bore nozzle on each engine as a cross lay, but I've personally never seen it deployed, or deployed it myself as a primary attack line. I've used them in essentials just to get used to the fire stream and handling, etc. Also, obviously the essentials course covers fire behavior, fire streams, and the interactions of all cominations of the above. But, classroom and textbooks only go so far against real world experience. Long story short, I've never crawled into a box on fire and put it out with a solid stream. Are these results typical? It's clear as day after their knockdown. Also, if these results are typical, I would imagine I would want the firefighters to use a smooth bore if I was the victim, with no bunker gear/SCBA. Would this assumption be correct?


Side note: I/my dept. sets attack lines to straight stream prior to entry. The video shows a fog pattern. I would probably only use this with a hydraulic vent, which in my (very limited) experience, works great.

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Yes, ha ha. I was going to respond to you as well, but right after I responded to Paul, I got toned out for a chest pains, medic assist to a neighboring county's BLS service, and transported to a hospital in a 3rd county...3-1/2 hours for one call...I need some shifts back in the city...gawd!!!!
I personaly like the combi nozzle better than a smooth bore as you already posted above you lose hydraulic vent option with a smooth bore.
Our combination department uses smooth bores on all our speed lays except for our car fire lines. When I asked why it all comes down to BTU's. A smooth bore can put out more BTUs than a fog nozzle. A fog uses less water and you get a little more versatility out of it. I guess its six to one half dozen to another.
ive had a chance to use both nozzles in fire situations over the years. both are good in their own ways. straight bore provides good penetration to the seat of the fire and has more reach than the combination. there is also a lot of difference in back pressure. one man can effectively handle a 1 3/4 " straight bore because u get more water with less pressure. we run ours at 80 psi. with a combination nozzle you have to run them at around 120 psi. on our car fire/accident engines we use combination nozzles because the fog nozzle is good for approaching the car till you have the bulk of the fire knocked down. for structure fires our structure engines are fitted with straight bore nozzles. (it is possible to break up the pattern of a straight bore nozzle by closing the bail a little - sort of a half-assed fog its good when hitting the ceiling before entering the room.) our department prefers straight bore nozzles when structural firefighting but we practice with them constantly. the only time we use combination nozzles in a structure is to preform hydraulic ventilation. the video is definitely correct you get a lot less steam with straight bore nozzles. over all its better for the firemen/women they don't have to work as hard ( less back pressure) and they don't get as hot from the steam( doesn't upset the thermal balance as much) So next time you are drilling pull it off the truck set the pressure at 80 psi and give it a try. you might be surprised at the reach and ease of use with the lower pressure.
Hey Shareef,

It's refered to as a "combination nozzle" because they are adjustable from a straight stream to a fog pattern. It's a "combination" of a smoothbore and a constant fog nozzle.


You're being naughty Mr Lutan!!!

Hmm, when wearing yellow (but definitely no lights on POVs!) we use som smooth bores... Only because they're cheap though. We intend buying some small volume Proteks this year.
Only leather helmets at that, Reg!!!!
Me? Naughty? Never..... ;-)

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