NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. - An annual "Merry Christmas" sign on a North Andover fire station has been ordered removed.

Town officials told firefighters last week to take down the homemade sign after they said people complained.

Fire Chief William Martineau said Monday that the sign was made by firefighters about 50 years ago and never had been an issue before.

The order comes a week after selectmen voted to allow a menorah display on the town common for only one day instead of all eight days of Hanukkah. They said a new town common policy only allows displays to stay up for one day, no matter what they are.

Town Manager Mark Rees said the town's public buildings should not be displaying things specific to a particular religion.


Information from: Eagle Tribune,

Bah! Humbug!: Town outlaws Merry Christmas sign

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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OMG! You North Andover Selectmen should be completely ashamed of yourselves! When you were sworn into your public office didn't you swear on a Bible to serve your community to the best of your ability? And to continue to perform as your fore fathers did (for God and Country)? You too have placed your gonads on the great political grill for what??? To apease only a few Athiest citizens? What about all the other citizens whom I'd bet have NO problem at all with that "Merry Christmas" sign! Well I certainly hope you are voted out come your next election. We the people want our community leaders to lead as our U.S. and State Constitutions were written to do so--with God as our American backbone. Wasn't this country founded on Christianity? Yes it was! So Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! And God Bless America. And may God bless the Fire Department for hanging up that sign.
You know, there are people out there who's (personal) agenda is to eradicate not just christianity but all religion. And there are people out there that truly want to see the world become a muslim world...or equally, a christian one. I prefer one that is neither but is a democracy. Democracies don't work well if the voice speaking is that of a god rather than that of the people.

I don't get where the anger comes from, from so many 'good christians' over something as silly as a sign. It was on a public building. Some towns just don't allow any of that, others allow it so long as everyone gets a chance to participate.

This is NOT intolerance, it's an attempt by most simply to be fair about it and not push one religion over another. Put up a christmas tree, allow a menorah.There is nothing wrong with being any religion, it's only when you start to push your beliefs over someone else's that it starts to get ugly.

Someone earlier mentioned ramadan and how politicians would "... in the interest of political correctness come out with the damed tolerance speech." My assumption was that these politicians would be telling us we have to tolerate the muslims and their holidays. Would that be a problem for anybody? It shouldn't be. That is what "tolerance" is all about.

And why is when something like this comes up, everyone goes on about how this country is, was and has to be christian. It has to be non-denominational for it to work. Other wise it's going to be nothing more than a christian taliban. Although I suspect that some might actually be in favor or that.
Idiots!!! This country is going to hell in a hand basket. They ask why all the kids are out of control......because we can't spank them. We don't want their personalities to get worped. Too much people are easily offended. If you don't like something too bad you don't have to look at it. If you don't like whats on TV....turn it off or change the channel. If a nativity scene offends you.......too bad you don't have to look at it. Oh by the way don't forget to take a baby asprin because you got your little feelings hurt. You know WE ought to fight for what is right and quit having these morons walk all over us.
What a joke sounds like the city I worked when I worked for the FD !

life is too short ! The FD has changed some much shame. The holidays where my best times !
Just goes to show you how woosified this country has become
The next thing you'll know, they'll be wiping the stars off the damn flag and putting a hammer and sickle on it.
Is this a career dept where the town owns the stations or are they volunteers. Most vollie depts back east own their stations and the town should have no say. Whichever way it is it's still a crying shame all this political correctness junk.
Every day we are losing our rights! the squeeky wheel gets the oil they say. well maybe it's time Americans stand up for rights and freedoms instead of running away with tails between there legs. It may "offend" some people to put up a sign but that is our AMERICAN RIGHT! It is also there right NOT TO LOOK AT IT! Well I'm offended that the town made them take it down does that mean they'll put it back up? where's my rights? what's next, the American flag? It's time we stand up and start taking back our country by letting them know when taking things away from us offends US. Let americans who like freedom become the squeeky wheel and reclaim some of our rights while we still can! I say e-mail this link and tell them what you think about them taking americans rights away because a few are "offended" (

Michael Pimental: US Marine, Firefighter/EMT, and AMERICAN
The Age of political correctiveness IS WAY WAY out of control. Why dont we just cancel christmas all together because someone might get their feelings hurt ? Our forefathers of this once proud country are rolling in their graves if they saw that Merry Christmas sign being taken down. Selectmen,what in the world where you guys thinking? the answer is you guys arent. Too worried about getting sued by some 1-800 idiot lawyer.I fully understand about peoples rights. But they have to understand WE have rights to.
The best solution to a problem like this is to pray for the leaders of that and other similar communities to be strong enough, spiritually guided enough and intelligent enough to stand up and make the necessary amendments to the ill fated vote that started all of this for them.

I pray that God's hand of reassurance rests upon those that can and shall do His will. That they are guided by His glory this season in which we celebrate His Blessings of Christ's Birth - Spirit in the Flesh, come to teach us that it is not by Law but by Faith in Him and His Glory that we live life by that leads to Life Ever After. I pray that his Great name be Glorified by all this season and every season by the men and women who so Proudly serve, Career and Volunteer-Professional regardless. It is by God's Glory and His hand that guides and delivers each of our Fire and EMS brothers and sisters to Save Lives, Protect Property and Promote Prosperity.

To each of you reading this prayer I pray the Lord Bless You and Keep You, May the Lord make His Face Shine Upon You and be Gracious Unto You and May the Lord Give You Peace, Both now and always. And for all those accepting this prayer, I pray...

You know, I see sooooooooooo many on here up in arms about the sign having to be taken down....but if you lived in this community, what would you rather have from your elected officials? The fact the sign was taken down to AVERT A LAWSUIT....or to say "piss on it, bring on the lawsuit"

How many folks here have lived through a lawsuit because of a holiday display? Not really a good thing. Last year one of our city alderman were pissed off at another community who was threatened with a lawsuit for a Nativity display on public grounds. That alderman wanted to put up a Nativity scene on top of our city hall, to have the Freedom From Religion Foundation "pick on a bigger city", and so it went up. To appease the challenge of a lawsuit any other displays were allowed until it started to become a ridiculous scene. Everything came down, except the Nativity, the city was sued. In the end the judge threw out the case. But really, is this what we elect officials to do, take on lawsuits? Is that fiscal responsibility? Is looking out for one religion really creating a community welcoming to all?

To me it is very simple, the people in charge ordered the sign down. Doesn't matter if "no one complained" in the past, they're complaining now. Just because the firehouse doesn't say Merry Christmas, does it mean that reflects the personal feelings?
I think that is whats wrong with this country now and I think that we need to stand up and say enought is enought and we our one country the usa

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