NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. - An annual "Merry Christmas" sign on a North Andover fire station has been ordered removed.

Town officials told firefighters last week to take down the homemade sign after they said people complained.

Fire Chief William Martineau said Monday that the sign was made by firefighters about 50 years ago and never had been an issue before.

The order comes a week after selectmen voted to allow a menorah display on the town common for only one day instead of all eight days of Hanukkah. They said a new town common policy only allows displays to stay up for one day, no matter what they are.

Town Manager Mark Rees said the town's public buildings should not be displaying things specific to a particular religion.


Information from: Eagle Tribune,

Bah! Humbug!: Town outlaws Merry Christmas sign

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Yep we should just cave and not have any beliefs for fear of offending someone. And your right, Christmas has gone way to the "LEFT" of where it originated which is unfortunate. The Country was founded on Christian beliefs and as far as separation of church and state, it actually was meant to keep politicians from preaching political views in church.

Merry Christmas and God Bless those who believe. If you don't, thats your choice and I personnally believe you should have that choice because thats what makes this country great. Just respect the choice of those who do believe.

Interesting thought of the day: Liberals preach tolerance but tend to be the most intolerant people I have ever met.
I am totally for seperation of church and state. I get that we should not force our beliefs, whatever they may be, onto others. But this has always seemed insane to me. Who really gets offended by a "Merry Christmas" sign? I'm a Christian, but i'm not offended by a menorah, or a pentogram even. It's not my choice, but I let people be. Not all on my department are "bible thumpin, church goin, holy rollers", but we have a Christmas party. If Christians are supposed to accept the beliefs and culture of others, why are the Christian beliefs and culture pushed into the closet.

Thank you.....that is all......
christian hell, jewish hell, muslim hell?
Wow. Just another prime example of our freedoms being taken away.
Instead of whipping, maybe they should have used an english book. I'm just saying....
"Interesting thought of the day: Liberals preach tolerance but tend to be the most intolerant people I have ever met."
Funny, I've always found the opposite to be true.
Is it me or has the country gone completely off the deep end? The holiday (officially and legally) is called CHRISTMAS DAY. HELLO. It is not holi day? What is the difference what religion you believe or don't believe in? Everyone celebrates something on that day or around the same time. How about if you don't believe in anything except the almighty dollar that you have to work on that day. No religion or no believe in anything no need to be off work! Go to work like any other day. I'll stay home and enjoy my family ( no religion) thank you.Unfortunately people in this great country of ours have forgotten what the country was founded on? FREEDOM,FREEDOM. And all the crap about separation of church and state,maybe they should really read the Constitution and actually read and understand what it says!!! If you don't like it here the planes go both ways!!!
What the heck?! Everyone is way to worried these days they will offend someone. Why should we take down signs like this when we are forced to read and see signs and things all year long from ALL types of religions. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems like this town manager has his head in his butt! Public building or not, I am sure this town would not care about a toy drive or a feed the needy, or they might if the Firefighters there say Merry Christmas when they deliver the things they collect. Oh God forbid they say that!
When the Feds remove Christmas as an Official Government holiday then I could see the connection as a religion. But since Christmas Day is an official holiday, then it is not a "religious event" it is a federal holiday. While it may be celebrated by christans as a religous holiday, it is officially a federal holiday, not a religious day.
To use the same logic given to ban the sign, all "Happy Halloween" signs must not be allowed for more than one day because "Halloween" is a witch's (or satanic or some other minor) religious holiday. And I am sure there is some sort of religion having a religious day on all federal holidays, then all signs that mention a federal holiday are not allowed. Including the signs that are on every government building stating they are closed on the named holidays. Just my opinion on the matter.
This is crazy!!! I wouldn't take it down. F#%$ them!!!
Coming from a Canadian brother in fire protection, What is up with CHANGE in a 50 yr old tradition ?? Why is it that things have to change now? As i prob speak for everyone, but bight your tung and personal pride you arrogant political few who want to disrupt an on going NON forceful tradition that has been passed on through the generations of that stn., that hasn't caused a stink of this magnitude before....let it go....suck it up, its the Holidays

jjacobs Crossfield FD, Crossfield Alberta Canada
I would like to complain about "selectmen" can they be removed as well since I HAVE COMPLAINED ? For a Country that was founded on the principals of freedom of speech an under GOD and the TEN comandments boy are you falling into a dangerous rut.

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