NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. - An annual "Merry Christmas" sign on a North Andover fire station has been ordered removed.

Town officials told firefighters last week to take down the homemade sign after they said people complained.

Fire Chief William Martineau said Monday that the sign was made by firefighters about 50 years ago and never had been an issue before.

The order comes a week after selectmen voted to allow a menorah display on the town common for only one day instead of all eight days of Hanukkah. They said a new town common policy only allows displays to stay up for one day, no matter what they are.

Town Manager Mark Rees said the town's public buildings should not be displaying things specific to a particular religion.


Information from: Eagle Tribune,

Bah! Humbug!: Town outlaws Merry Christmas sign

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Any subject, when taken to its ultimate conclusion, can be trivialized. But even back in the day when no one gave a second thought about seeing a "Merry Christmas" sign on a public building, I don't remember there being much emphasis placed on other Christian holy days. If your fears of a "what about happy easter", and the assumption, and other religious holidays weren't realized back then, I don't see that as being much of a threat now.

The city has a right to set policy, I don't dispute that. I only question their rationale. That's why I led off with the " your heart of hearts" question in my first post. It's a real stretch to equate Merry Christmas signs at the firehouse with an endorsement of religion by a city government. Can it (religious symbols in public places) be taken too far? Sure, but we didn't see that even when conditions were ripe for it.

Finally, I think people who are "offended" by a religious symbol of ANY denomination are pretty much looking to be offended. The next Menorah I see that rubs me the wrong way will be the first.

Merry Christmas everybody! (Especially you, Jack)
I just tend to look at the bigger picture. And I think that today, more than ever in the past we need to ensure separation of church and state. too many people (in my opinion) would like to see us actually become a 'christian' nation which, frankly scares the crap out of me. That being said I admit that christmas, and the prefix happy are innocuous at best and at worst are the seasonal equivalent of 'have a nice day.' To further de-religionize the holiday perhaps the best thing to do is to just keep on wishing everyone a merry christmas. It's origin and meaning is lost in the clatter of cash registers, credit card swipes and people fighting over parking spaces. Mmmm, the smell of fresh cut trees, car exhaust and gunpowder, it don't get more amurican than that. Merry christmas WP!
Dang there are days I wish that I wasn't a public employee so I could really hang my feeling out there. But I have been forced to drink so much of the P.C. kool-aid that I now only wonder that after keeping my mouth closed for so long will I get a turn to pick the flavor. Merry CHRISTmas Y'all ..mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
So you would support allowing the celebration of a 'christian' holiday with a sign on a public building/fire department but "the good city fathers will in the interest of political correctness come out with the damed tolerance speech." would be unacceptable to you?

penrhyn - You didn't have to remove your previous response. I think you're entitled to express your opinion as well as me or anyone else. We should be able to discuss it as gentlemen (and ladies).

I've always wondered if drinking the pc kool-aid made people think differently or if it just inhibited them a bit more. Seems not drinking it makes people say all kinds of weird shit...sometimes.

I'm feeling a kumba ya moment coming on here. Merry Holidays to all.
I agree with everything you said that isn't crossed out. (Did you give Christmas a lower case C on purpose? Incorrigible.)
Well there you go... ;)
Ralph...would a rabbi really want to raise holy hell over a merry christmas sign?

If you dont believe in god THATS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!

If you dont like hot coffee put some ice in it

All these whining and complaining about PURE AND SIMPLE CRAP is killing all of us. I wish we could just take every stupid lawsuit and throw it out.

its christmas for christ sakes are the same people that complained about a sign going to complain about the friggn presents they recieve I think not!!!

Sorry if I am just ranting but this PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!
"its christmas for christ sakes..." I couldn't have put it any better.

Time for a new Town Board?
I'd like to know who complained. As others have pointed out, this is political correctness gone way too far.
What is there to add,other than how sad and pathetic we have become.

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