NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. - An annual "Merry Christmas" sign on a North Andover fire station has been ordered removed.

Town officials told firefighters last week to take down the homemade sign after they said people complained.

Fire Chief William Martineau said Monday that the sign was made by firefighters about 50 years ago and never had been an issue before.

The order comes a week after selectmen voted to allow a menorah display on the town common for only one day instead of all eight days of Hanukkah. They said a new town common policy only allows displays to stay up for one day, no matter what they are.

Town Manager Mark Rees said the town's public buildings should not be displaying things specific to a particular religion.


Information from: Eagle Tribune,

Bah! Humbug!: Town outlaws Merry Christmas sign

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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"...that they are endowed by their Creator..."

enough said
You don't like it go back where you came from!!!!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!
Putting the 'mental' back in "fundamentalist".
Oh crap...I guess my department is screwed now!!! Looks like the end of our Christmas tree sale fundraiser one way or other.
Like the song says going around on the internet now - you don't say "Happy Holidays" in February - you say "Happy Valentines" what it is! I have a muslim friend who lives in his muslim country. Every year he wishes me "Happy EID" when it is Ramadan. He also makes no hesitation to wish me "Merry Christmas" when he knows it is Christmas. If he can do that what is our problem?
This is sad!!!
Happy Christmahanakwanzika to every one
By the way, what is the "official name" for the date?

It's Christmas is it not?

Do these people in government sit on their brains all day long or have the age old disease of: "Headuptus Rectus"?

What is this world coming to?

We have to stop being a part of the silent majority and set the record straight...It's Christmas you maroon!!!
When I read some comments about separation of church and state, it really gets to me and I am not a particularly religious person. What is so difficult in actually reading what the constitution says? It states that the government shall not establish and force people to worship one religion. It doesn't say that you are not allowed to display and worship your way or not to worship if you so choose. The country and the constitution were both formed by religious men and founded on religious principles. The ACLUstupid and others have so construed what it says that people need to read the whole thing and digest the real meaning in the words. Politically correct means that "I'm afraid that someone will be offended and sue me, so I won't stand up for my beliefs"
Very well put Jack. Where is the like button for this post?
Are you guys really arguing about being right or wrong about being wrong or right and wether two rights makes a right or not a wrong but maybe two wrongs make a right and one right and one wrong make a right? C'mon, this is getting SILLY!

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