For those of you who believe there is no racism or discrimination in America's Fire departments, think again. Poor Man's Lotto: Memoirs of a Black Firefighter in America brings to light the racial predjudices that are still part of this courageous group of men. Now only if they can find the courage to face their discriminatory practices. As Former Director of Emergency Services and Homeland Security, it disturbs me greatly and deeply that this continues to be a norm in this agency. Hopefully, Poor Man's Lotto will open not only your eyes but also your minds. Personally, I would be scared to go into a hazardous environment knowing how some of you really feel about Blacks!

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I'll check it out.
Im not a racist! I will say that first and foremost before anyone else reads this.

I dont know how many of the proffesionals in this industry have noticed the fact that they have been passed up for a job because they ARE NOT a minority.

I tested at a paid fd about 3 years ago. There were 35 people testing for 2 positions.
(33 white 1 mexican 1 black)

Out of those 35 there were 7 certified ff & emt 5 ff only 8 emt basic only
1 ff & paramedic (that was the 1 mexican) 14 uncertified and un experienced

the written test

18 passed
7 ff & emt
3 ff
5 emt
1 ff & medic
2 uncertified & unexperienced (the black male was one of these)

the physical test

12 passed
5 ff & emt
3 ff
1 emt
1 ff & medic
2 uncertified & unexperienced (the black male was one of these)

I dont know what happened the rest of the time. But, I do know that the black male was hired over the 8 certified firefighters. The firefighter medic was hired. We all knew that was going to happen when we found out he was a ff medic. I was an uncertified and unexperienced catagory and knew I wouldnt get hired. But I was suprised that the young black male was hired over certified people because the powers that be were worried about getting sued (not his fault I accually like the guy I see him around every once and a while) because of discrimination. Like I say Im not a rasist. But I have heard about this happening with both women, blacks, and other minority groups.

So I ask how bad can it be in this new age of society?
I don't care what race you are, if you can do the job, then have at it ! May I ask, where are you getting your information from?
Well if you go to NYC it is still 99% white. And every training I used to attend for Homeland Security would be 99% white. Two things I find interesting, one is when someone says they are not racist, the other is from a radio show I was listening to and the white guy was complaining about minority contracts. Then the question was asked, what percentage of 100% do the minority contracts represent, he then responds and says 2%. So he is able to bid on 98% of the contracts. Do you know that 98% of government contracts go to whites? And then they have the unmitigated gall to get upset if that number goes down 1%. I suggest you check out this DVD/Cd by Tim Weiss, white guy talking about white privilege. Funny as hell then again not funny at all. I would be interested to know if you would read Poor Man's Lotto. And think about this, even if one token gets on, all the officers are still white! How would you feel if you were at Training Academy and you were Black and some white guys decided to make nooses out of their training ropes. I am hoping that gets investigated.
You probably don't think anything of it, however, Black people hung from trees while whites watched with their children as some type of recreation. I'm surprised I haven't started cursing yet. Better go before I go off!
And that is exactly the way it should be, however, after being involved in a racial discrimination lawsuit against a major corporation, wrote a book about that shit, you and I both know it don't work that way, and that is why we have these situations. you guys have had all the benefits and opportunities for generations because of racism and discrimination, so the playing field has never been level. You should read the garbage this young man went through after he got appointed by the chief at his station. Pure Racism! I would never go in a fire with you guys! Not after what I have read! Although, as a Former Director of Emergency Services City of Mount Vernon, N.Y. probably the only city to have a black chief and now a black commish in America, these guys work pretty well together.
im sorry i didnt mean to start anything like that ive just seen that happen and mind you i live in small town america hint that only 35 people were applying for the position

I apoligize if i opened the can of worms
"I would never go in a fire with you guys!"

That is an insult. I think you just alienated your target audience...
Quotas in contract awarding as in other things has become (very possibly unintentionally) part of what I call the culture of minimums. I have written about this in training topics right on this site. Whenever we set a minimum standard, our goal becomes the minimum and never more. Thus if an agency is required to award 2% of their contracts to minority owned businesses there becomes no motivation to ever exceed that 2%. Because of that no real competition ever forms. In the hiring example that Loyd gave, there was no real competition because the hiring authority saw a chance to meet a minimum, and appear, probably only to themselves, as not being racists.

Either way, the book sounds interesting.
I agree with Rusty here, it really should not matter the color of the person's skin, their gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc, but if they can do the job. That means taking the same tests, doing the same physical agility, having to meet the same requirements for the job. Plain and simple. The reason you don't see the higher numbers of minorities in the fire service is quite simple, the same number of minorities are just not testing at the same rate as the white male. You can't make people test or even apply for the job, but I sure as hell don't agree with any type of lowering standards just to get more minorities. I'm not saying this happens everywhere, but it does happen.

On our dept the standards for the job were raised to include paramedic along with a degree and state 1 and 2 FF certs. In years past, several hundered people applied, this year there was less than 30. Such requirements don't get the diversity, but then again, such requirements are not impossible to obtain either and you just don't see many minorities in fire classes as you see whites.

How would you feel if you were at Training Academy and you were Black and some white guys decided to make nooses out of their training ropes. I am hoping that gets investigated.
You probably don't think anything of it, however, Black people hung from trees while whites watched

See here is another issue in such discussions, not everything is a racial issue it gets made out to be. A noose is a noose, it has been used for capital punishment as well as attrocities the blacks have faced, however, it is really no more a symbol of hate or racism unless one makes it out to be. There have been just as many whites who have met their fates at the end of a noose as blacks. Saddam Hussein died by hanging, should a noose be a symbol of hatred for Iraqis? Is a Halloween display with a skeleton, scarecrow, etc really a racial issue or is it just a display? I've seen it where such racial issues have been made despite no indication about race of the display. Is a swastika just a symbol of racial hatred (despite the true meaning of what the swastika was about before Nazi Germany), because of white supremcy groups, despite the Jews?

The other issue that things really come down to is COMMUNICATION. I have had to sit through numerous touchy feely classes from school, the military and annually with my employer and it basically can all be summed up with communication and speaking up. If you find something offensive, wouldn't it be more pertinent to say something to the offender than have a "blanket" policy? How else does the offender know if someone may disagree? There are steps to take, but in all the classes I have been in, none address the fact the offended said nothing to the offender. If too scared to say something, then take it up the chain, but there is a chain of command and too often such things go straight to a dept head before things could be solved in house.

As for the book, I may check it out, it is always good to get a different perspective and to get an understanding of different views.
After some of the attitudes iread about, I would be scared as hell. You guys doesn't mean all of you, however, for those of you who have these predisposed feelings about blacks, which i am starting to hear in the responses, oh forgot to mention about my psych and sociology background, I don;t have that much courage or that much trust. Actually I really like most of the guys I have encountered, during my Homeland Security training, But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't deeply concerned. And what makes you think you are my targeted audience. I know that because it is a book by a black man a majority of you guys won't even buy it yet alone read it even if it was given to you for free!
Only a white person could rationalize the noose! However, hanging someone for a crime is one thing, hanging a person because you get mad and whoo has no recourse is another. That's scary. Don't know if Iwould want to work with you buddy! It amazes just like the peolpe amazed me while I was giong through that racial discrimination lawsuit at Texaco Inc. Oh, got a first hand view of racism while in college at Jacksonville University in Florida. Couldn't believe I was in America! It's always easier to defer or rationalize to keep the status quo. And who says the standards for testing that have been set are gospel. Actually, when you think about it, it is because of the training you guys didn't have but responding according to how you always respond is why so many guys died in 911. Any trainer will confirm that! You guys ain't as smart as you think you are! Talk about communication, you guys still don't communicate and I know. I have been to all the trainings for WMD! As a matter of fact, you need to revamp your entire SOP. So, so much for your tests. Especially mental!

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