We just recently sharpened all of our axes. The heads are somewhat rusty and all the old paint is coming off. What's the best way to paint them? I was thinking tape off around the blade and use a can of safety red Rust-Oleum spray paint.

Any thoughts?

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Reg, that was my understanding as well. There seemed to be a question about that here as some axes were painted that included the edge. We do agree however that the axe should be RED in color?
These axes are all working tools.
Ok. So Essentials says not to paint the axe. Some people say to pain the axe. I guess there's no hard and fast rule here. Our axes have paint (and rust) on them currently.

How about this: What's the best way to sand them down to bare metal?
You should paint the head of the axe but remember to keep about 1 to 1 1/2 unpainted. This is so you can see if there is any cracks or chips on the edge which can lead to failure of the axe and possible injure you.
They sell sandpaper specifically for sanding metal at your local hardware store, it's usually black in color. Just ask an employee and they'll point you to the right stuff. So long as you don't paint the head/working part of the axe, you'll be fine. My department leaves about a 2-3 inch space from the head of the axe to where the paint starts. Make sure once you've sanded the working area to treat it with linseed oil. After every use of the axe make sure you thoroughly wipe it down dry and retreat the working area with linseed oil, this will help prevent further rusting in the future.
Mill Bastard file with a guard to keep your hands intact....check the "cheek" and don't try to feather the edge...I wouldn't bother with a stone for its intended use...you aren't logging here...LOL Keep paint away from the working part of the bit....it will bind up tighter than an accountants butt at tax time. Wood handles...? Scrape the varnish off them with a piece of broken glass...won't be nearly as slippery when wet.....Paul
Thanks Doug -- And everyone else who chimed in. I'll get working on this... probably this weekend. I'll post an update when I'm done.
Didnt know so much thought and effort had to go into painting an axe. My personal axe is polished...no paint. Department axes are sharpened with file and then painted red on trucks, black on engines. Usually a 2" metal stripe showing on the cutting edge.
Joseph.....never, ever varnish an axe handle....we were taught (about 100 years ago) to actually scrape the handle with pcs of broken glass to get rid of the varnish.....clean them, inspect them and replace them when indicated....(handles)
Now that I've read the question again, I want to change my answer:

The best way to paint an axe?

With the blood of your sworn enemies!!!

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