We us mintor 4 pagers. A fire department not too far uses radios to page. Does anyone use either of these or something different to page out. And how well does it seem to work for you. Our pagers work fairly well but the 4s dont seem to be holding up as well as we would like and are trying to figure out if there is anything better.

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I have both the 3 and 4. But have found out I am the strange one. None of mine have given any problems. But someof the guys that have 4s are having problems all the time. Have not gotten any of the 5s yet. But there has been some talk about getting one or two and letting some of the top people getting them to "test" them.
If you have the mintor 5 how well are them working out?
Well T.M.V.F.D. carries different minitors. Depending on how long you've been on just depends on what you have . There are still 1 or 2 MINITOR II's still in service. But then they carry the III's IV's and V's.
All of us on our department have portables. Some have the monitor pagers but me personally i only have the HT750 Motorola radio
Well, since I've only been in the fire service for about a year I can't really say how the Minitor V's compare to the other versions, but it does work well for as far as I know. I haven't had any problems with it yet within the year that I have had it. The one I have is our "HazMat" version so it doesn't have a repeater on it to hear any previous calls we received, which is its only drawback for me being an everyday responder and being one of the first members to the firehouse. Besides that, though, it works fine; the volume is loud enough to hear it; it's easy to use and operate; the 4 channels makes it easy to switch to my own department, the county, or my HazMat Team.
George, I think that Infostream are only in Australasia and Europe, Google will find them. We send the pager messages as a datastream to the contractor who dispatch it over their system, repeaters all over the State. The problem of getting the information through to people in the dead of night? Well known...
For us:
Pageing message goes out. gives a code showing type of job eg
STRUC1 is a structure fire Code 1 (lights and sirens for us)
G&SC1 is a grass fire or a bushfire (brusfire for you) code 1
the address in full with nearest cross street, and codes for the supporting brigades (if any, automatic support for most lights and sirens jobs).

The pager message goes out automatically as the emergency operator (our dispatcher) is keying in the details of the call. When we turn out a vehicle we have to give the job and address (shows if we're awake or not) and the dispatcher gives further information over the radio. Our main radio system is duplex analogue VHF, using repeaters.

It would be hard to find anything on the organisation website, but Infostream might be able/willing to help. The cost for Victoria is $100 million for a seven year contract, but this is for three emergency services over most of the state (about the same size as Kentucky if that helps). The contract covers everything except new batteries. The three emergency services are fire, ambulance and a rescue and storm damage organisation.
we use the vertex we started out with pagers nec keynote shinwa then we went to the vertex vx10 they were small but kinda fat we only had 3 . we tried the 180 vertex they were great we now have 24 of those been doing a fine job we can get two paging channels with one radio thats good for the ones on our dept that are on the county rescue squad.
The Minitor V's are alot better all around.
on our department, we use mintor 5 pagers. we had the mintor 4's, and had no complaints other than that they were outdated. the mintor 5's , are however, a much better pager considering the frequency availability, and the 2 mode types. the mintor 5 has 4 different frequencies. A,B,C, & D. A&B which are closed frequency, and only goes off if we get paged out. the pager on frequency (A ) beeps loudly like the mintor 4 does. on b, the pager vibrates if we get called out. frequencies C & D are open frequencies. they allow us to listen in on other departments calls. on C, if we get paged out, the pager beeps. and on D it vibrates. the mintor 5 also offers a play back mode. when we receive a page, a red light on the top of the pager lights up and stays lit letting us know that we received a page out. if we do not hear the page, we simply press the play back button and the page repeats itself. once the page finishes repeating, it then deletes itself making room for new pages to be stored. i think they hold up to 5 stored messages or pages. i might add that having the vibrate mode works out very well. i can recall numerous times when i have been out in the yard mowing, and due to the noise of the mower , i did not hear the page come across the mintor 4. with the mintor 5, i simply set it on vibrate mode, and the problem is solved. i am not certain as to how much of a price difference there is between the 2 pagers, but in my honest opinion, the mintor 5 is the way to go. they have worked out very well for us, and many of the other departments around our area. hope this helps. if you have any further questions regarding the mintor 5, feel free to ask and i'll do what i can to get more info on them. be safe and take care! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i might also add that i work ems and haz-mat, and am able to receive my page outs clearly on the mintor 5's. i had to have the haz-mat and ems tones put into my pager by the county. the reason behind this, is to keep unqualified persons from responding to these types of calls.
Our department uses Minitor V's and we have had great success with them. It all depends on the terrain of your district and types of buildings.
We use the minitor 3,4,5 . BUt we have also started to use codemessaging.net it is much quicker and it goes strait to our cell phones from the cad.

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