what is everones favorite brand of rescue / extrication tools

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We use the 6-tool Amkus Ultimate System. Preconnected cutters, spreaders and rams from both sides.
We have always used Hurst. We did have a T-N-T combi tool and power unit at one time for race car extrication and back up. Didn't take us long to get rid of it. Wasn't that it was a bad tool it was that it was just that much other stuff we had to have on hand for servicing. We have 2 power units, 2 spreader units, 2 cutters, 2 rams, and 2 air bags. One of the spreader units and cutters are probably as old as I am and still the ones I would grab first. They both still work great and have never let us down. We also have a Hurst dealer close to us that will have a loaner tool to us if one breaks down. I have used an Amkus tool at a training class and did not like it what so ever. I guess it's just everyones personal opinion on what tool they like. Me? I'm a Hurst man all the way.
I hope that everybody is safe and doing well. Just want to report in and say THEY FAILED AGAIN!!!!!! Still TNT lives up to there reputation JUNK LIGHT WEIGHT EXTRICATION TOOLS!!!!!! The cutters would not evan cut a door hinge. They are still SLOW, WEAK, AND LEAK. They would be great for a muffler shop
Little Gary here is your chance to ask me anything on your tools. We haven't heard one complaint from your derpartment, or from anyone from whom your department saved there life in a extrication. So as Rescue 1 has told you to give me a call, but haven't heard from you yet. Plus when I meet you over a year ago you never once complained to me about the tools.
If you recall I did tell you about the performance of your tools. I was talked to by my DC and Ac about this subject and I will not be posting anything more about the tools. I also read what you sent to your dealer in the area. This will be the LAST time that I will talk about this subject.
I due recall the performance issuses you ask the last time, I was there you said that the tools jumped when operating, we look at all of your trucks and tools, when I was there and they never did what you said they did. I told you at the time, and explained to you how the system worked, I never said it couldn't happen, but we couldn't make it happen, when I was there. Plus no one else saw what you saw. Which is fine, I never called you a lier, I live over 4 hours away and I will aways come down in a drop of a hat if there are issues. I'm glad you decide not to talk about this online, all departments have ways of formally dealing with any issues internally. TNT has always responded to them as well as our dealers. I'm a phone call away, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on Holidays.
Respectfully yours, Tim Blanton
I always love these discussions of which tool is better. Yes, my department uses TNT and we have had no issues in the 5 years that we have had them. That being said if you gave me a diffrent brand of tools tomarrow my crew would train with those and still do our job just fine. After reading all of Gary's post to me it looks like the real issue is a labor/managment issue. When firefighter feel they are getting something crammed down their thoats there is going to be problems.
And yes I get a lot of great training form reruns of Emergency!
I am with you all the way, I would take a genesis over a hurst anyday just because of the weight!
i have used hurts and love it they are a little heavy but very dependable
Hurst and The PRT
I like the fact that the TNT owner is willing to get called about his product none the less to go to a station himself to check tool problems out! I am working for an army fire department now and we have a set of amkus I have to say the spreaders and cutters work fine within their range of motion. The cutters have a very small set of blades so cars with larger b and c posts get multiple cuts instead of one. I saw that someone tried out a battery powered tool I would like to know how the tools did. I haven't seen anyone using the power hawk so maybe not many folks do. Hurst is a great tool and I understand they are much lighter than the 70's and 80's tools we had.

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