I was just wondering what type of Ladder Trucks do you have in your Departments.
Where I came from in New York, we had two ladder trucks. One was a 100 Ft. American
LaFrance Tiller, and the second was a 100 Ft. Mid Mount Seagrave. Just as I was leaving
the department was getting a 100 Ft. Rear mount Platform.
The Department I am with now has a 50 Ft. American LaFrance Squirt.
I will say that it is a much smaller Department I am with now, but I am hoping that
some day soon it will be replaced with a larger Ladder. It is 29 years old, and has been
a excellent truck, and still looks good for it's age.

So tell me, " Whats In Your Department "

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My "home" company has a 1989 Spartan/LTI 100' tower. www.hockessin19.com

The company where I rode during college (and still visit/ride when I can) has a 1998 E-One 95' tower and a 2008 Pierce 75' quint, which allows access to some of the alleys in town and provides a backup if the tower is out of service. www.cvhose.com
Hey Randy, Thanks for sharing the web site with us. Very well put
together, great pic's as well. Thanks brother, stay safe. Mick
Thanks Connor, Do you have any pic's of your 89' Pierce ??
I tryed but it did not go thru. I don't know what to do. I'm not good with computers. Check back in about a month my brother will have his computer on line then and
he can try.
Very cool John, I love the Old American LaFrance Ladder Thuck.
Thanks Again, Stay Safe Brother. Mick
Anyone have some old ladder trucks out there ??
Let me try again.
Very Cool American LaFrance, we had one just like that, except it was
a 100' ladder, or at least I think it was.
Thanks for sharing that with us.
1968 PITMAN SNORKLE, not technically a ladder, but still a truck. Its just like the one you see on emergency every once in a while.
We have a 1986 Sutphen 100ft Mid-mount platform still in very good condition. Gotta love Sutphen trucks.
Joey, Do you have any pic's you can share with us ???

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