you can post some of your favorite fire fighter or fire related quotes here, mine is

"I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.
Morris Chestnut"

if you could supply the author it would be greatly apreciated

EDIT:-10.17.08- non fire fighter quotes are also excepted,
EDIT:11/26/08 dont forget to add me

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When your wife burns her hand in the kitchen and you announce, "I'm Reg with the Fire Department, may I take a look?"
That's a good one Reg, I will have to remember that
bustun' ours to save yours

be safe when the bells toll and the wheels roll

put the wet stuff on the red stuff
I like the size up our duty officer gave. "2205 is on scene of a fully involved.....................Coke bottle."
i thought you wanted to avoid that
coke bottle?
methyl ethyl bad sh!t. quite a popular quote from my insructor at the academy. We used it as a 'technical term'
"we got the balls to make the calls" ~saw it on a t-shirt

"don't suffer from rectal cranial inversion"
"when you're in the emergency, who do you call? there is no 9-1-2!"
~both from an instructor at the fire academy
i like the 912
C.H.A.O.S. - Chief Has Arrived On Scene
We had a structure fire this past September early in the morning. Got called out around 5:30 ish. Well a traffic director had stopped a car and the person asked "What do ya got here, a real fire?" Well not only could you see the smoke from a mile away but he was close enough where he could see all the fire trucks, hoses, flames, etc. So the traffic director just said " Nope, here in Lawrenceville we do our "fake" fire training at 6 a.m. every Saturday morning". The sad part was the guy thought she was telling the truth.
time to de ass the area with the quickness

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