should the color of fire apparatus be red or lime green? or does it matter? why or why not?

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HAVE U ALL GONE DAFT! RED RED RED. Just kiddin'. it doesnt matter as long as it doesnt smoke more than the fire its trying to put out.
Same with our brigade. Started off red....fallowed the "jones'" to lime green, then filtered them out to red again. I'm with tradition, but not opposed to a tweaked version of tradition.
Sweeeeeeeeeet !!!!
The fire apparatus in our department in Kingsbury NY is black and purple. I don't see how it really matters what color your trucks are, althoug i am partial to the black and purple. As long as every light on your vehicle and sirens work, people should pay attention to them.
It's been rumored that red vehicles get picked up by radar guns first, meaning maybe there's something in regard to the overall visibility of the color red over distance? something to look in to maybe?

LOL...funny you should say that...we just got rid of our "smoker". A lime-greener rescue. Replaced with a RED heavy rescue.
Different and awesome! I appreciate different apparatus colors from different areas as they are individually unique and just cool to look at.
Hey Capt. Mickey. I understand that is a huge shock for you to see a different kinds of color fire trucks in the Philippines. I remember as a kid, RED RED RED is the color of toy fire trucks I have before and goes to all children of the world I believe. But when I grew up, our government fire trucks are color mint-green during Pres. Marcos times 1970's to 1986. But when democracy is restored, Department of Interior & Local Gov't here made our National fire service the Bureau of Fire Protection to change their mint-green color fire truck to RED RED RED. But sadly as struggling national fire service and budget cuts and lack of support from the national gov't. The gov't fire service had a reputations of performance failures and worst - corruptions. Because of this frustrations, volunteer fire brigade units formed up throughout the years on becoming an effective alternative of fighting fires. But because of the bad reputations of gov't fire service. Volunteer units (almost completely autonomous to gov't control) disassociate themselves from the government starting with the color of our fire trucks. So they use different colors, yellow, mint-green, and PURPLE ! As all volunteer units who don't have any gov't grants whatsoever our priority is having a operational fire truck or non at all. That's what Jason was saying.

Believe or not, there is another 1000 Gallon engine at the same East Binondo Fire Dept. that Jason McDonalds mentioned in which that fire truck have won Car shows in the Philippines (on truck category).

Hey Damnthing, I didn't not know you been in the Philippines. I wish you can visit us again so that Jason and I would happy to tour you around the Manila. and visit our buddies in the fire service.

Fire Prevention Parade 2008

Manila SETBA Volunteer Fire Brigade, Stainless tanker - refitting

These are green trucks. From Green Creek , Southern New Jersey
Hey Michael, Thank you for sharing the information with me. The majority of fire trucks that
I see, are still Red. I don't have a problem with different color trucks, but most of them look
more like utility trucks. Back when I was a kid, all fire trucks were Red, not just the toy fire
trucks. But just the same every body has their own preferance, and that's Ok. Thanks again,
and stay safe brother
Red with a white top to the truck is the most appealing looking vehicle. As shown in this photo

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