I(as a new firefighter) was just wondering about the common misconceptions and most commonly made mistakes in the firefighting field............I'm open for anyones opinion......and welcome all possible comments regarding this topic......................>Cheers<*>Jen<

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We don't do this to be heroes. Yes, we make "heroic efforts" but it's our job. We help people in their times of need and (most) don't do it for the glory. If that's the reason you chose this field, you may want to do more soul searching. That aside... Lisen to the vets. Follow orders and if you don't know how to do something, don't do it and ask some one to show you how.

Stay Safe,
Ummmm your in high school? I thought you said you were a new firefighter????
Go with your GUT, Look, Listen, and Learn. Good Luck
Very well put DT
I think we can put this one to rest!

Jack you lookin for more s**t slingin? LOL LOL LOL
Jake, Jake, Jake:
ALWAYS check the profile.
Know what you are dealing with.
Click on their picture and read up.
Especially the ones who don't post a profile picture.
Your pal,
I'd like to introduce you to Mac Conant.
Jake Fireman.
Or should I say "THE BIG SPOON"?
Another common mistake is be told or asked to do something on the fire ground by someone not in authority to do so. In other words, only respond to the orders of the person that you have been assigned to.
In Virginia, you must be at least 16 to take EMT training with the consent of parent, guardian.
So, can you roll with an ambulance and perform EMT Basic protocols before you are 18?
I'll have to also say FREELANCING is the most common. Even though they know it's a NO NO!!!!!!
Great List Jake.....that covers many others.
Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.
EMT is 18 in California.

Actually you can take the course at 17, you must be 18 to be certified though. I think that is true of NREMT as well.

Well Jake you said it for me, but ill just add to it , pay attention to what the fire is doing and what is going on around you. To many times have firefighters including myself get tunnel vision, and dont realize that they are in trouble till it hits them in the face, or a fellow firefighter comes up and says wtf, our two asst chiefs are good at that. So as said listen, watch, know your job assinment, follow orders and if dont understand ask, work as a team, dont be a superman or wonder woman. Also dont ever forget to do a size up know what you have before you even start, also train train train and more training. Well have fun take care and be safe.

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