I(as a new firefighter) was just wondering about the common misconceptions and most commonly made mistakes in the firefighting field............I'm open for anyones opinion......and welcome all possible comments regarding this topic......................>Cheers<*>Jen<

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100% behind you...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO no more posts about me!!!!

It does kinda send that ol "mixed" message...

Im here to be a firefighter and taken seriously...dont you love my new bikini I wear under my turnouts?

I think she needs a block chock multi-purpose......lol
Definately keep your mouth shut and ears open when you don't have a question. Read and know your SOP/SOG, learn the location of all the equipment on your apparatus like the back of your hand. Also know how to work it in the pitch dark. A firefighter that can't turn a vent fan, extrication pump or saw on blindfolded, needs more practice and training. If your Company Officer doesn't assign you to a senior member as a mentor then please suggest it.

wear PPE incorrectly
take SCBA off till an 'All Clear' by IC has been given
Ride in an apparatus WITHOUT seatbelt secured
assume anything
enter an IDLH without an Officer or experience member

my list can go on for days. The fact that you are asking speaks volumes of your character. Take this advice and you will be fine. Enjoy your beginning to the greatest job on the planet!!
Are you outnumbered by men on your department?
If so, then I would dress down and limit your make up and you will blend in better with them.
You want to be a part of the team, so don't create distractions.
Now that they take you seriously, you should pick out the smartest one and ask if they would consider mentoring you. Once it is agreed upon: open the book and open your mind.
Ask questions. If you don't understand the answer, then ask again. Do it until you do it right; then do it again. You don't have to work harder because you are a female. You have nothing to prove other than you want to be a firefighter. Approach it like making the team and you should do well.
Treat it like it's high school and you will have problems.
Firefighting is serious business-career or volunteer.
Do you have any questions of me?
Good luck with the new guy....:)
always expect the unexpected and never leave your partners inside
>jenelle< ask questions, good training, dont try to be a hero, listen,ask questions over and over remember there are no dumb question, if u feel it is wrong chances are it is. Get as much training as possible and ask,listen,learn. U be very safe out there
Thank you very much....no offense to the guys up there....but your advice seem much more practical and on topic the hot pics
I am in high school but i deff. dnt treat fire and rescue as such....it is way too important to me....
I will be safe.....hopefully you will as well....but just a side thought.....can't we be smart with what we do and still be heroes?
Hey there Jenelle, It looks like everyone got it covered in their posts. So take it easy and take care and stay safe out there.
Trust your instincts, if something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't. Steal with your eyes and ears. Soak as much as you can from those in your department with experience. Go to all the schools you can. Make a list of what you want to learn and make it a point to learn something from that list every week.

Stay safe
Oh, oh; you said "heroes".
You need to go to the "We need to stop the Hero Crap" thread and read some of the replies.
Out of all the replies, I think I had TWO that wanted to be called "heroes".
The rest were a pretty humble bunch.
But I agree with the "smarter" statement.

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