Ok...so I go to court next week for a custody hearing. I have been divorced for 7 years but for the first time we are actually going to court and both want full custody. I am very concerned about what the judge will think of my schedule and 24 hour shifts. Any suggestions? Anyone else succeed at their custody case? Any comments would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

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Shawn, At the March 12th hearing you should tell the judge you plan to get custody of them because you can not trust their mother. I done this and it worked however I didn't return my kids due to what was happening to her. Can you live with the fact that he may seriously hurt them ? I would move now one day is a day too late in my book. I wish you the best and well be saying some prayers for you. You have documents then act why wait ? you are married child care is there. As far as Tillerman is concerned I think courts are starting to look at the fathers more now, because we can be what is best for our kids. i know in my case the judge favored my case vs hers. Don't give up !! Kids are smarter then we think and they would really love it if you can get them out of there. I am going on but too, but I think if ou were to call an emergency meeting with the judge less say for Monday and explain your concerns to him or her along with your documents I bet you would get them hands down !! Good luck

sorry to go on but it is a cause I believe in and it worked for me

i wish their we more fathers like you,my mom helped me raise mine,i wish you luck,sincerly donna
Christy...any word on your custody hearing yet?

I don't want to take away from Christy's original post, but thanks for the comments from all who have wished me well too. My custody hearing is 12 March and the anxiety is starting to get bad. Got burned in the divorce and don't want the kids to have to deal with the nonsense that they are having to deal with now any longer.
Single dads get he shaft!!!! I am the primary parent of 3 great kids and I have to prove I am all the time to every court school and every where else! While she never had to. The system is so pro female its sad. NOT ALL MEN ARE DEAD BEATS!!!
Absolutely right...we are NOT all deadbeats. I agree with you to a degree simply because it depends upon a variety of factors not the least of which is, who can afford the better lawyer...just look back at OJ!!! Perception of gender roles and gender bias are also huge factors. Even the court appointed guardian ad litem implied that even though he thought my son would benefit from coming to live with me, the girls might be better off staying with their mother. It's a sad state of affairs in this day and age of supposed open mindedness and changing traditional parenting roles, when there is still so much old fasioned gender bias in the minds of our judiciary! I suppose it really shouldn't be so surprising what with the fact that we are still discriminating against other races in this country (and I don't mean the ones here illegally...that's another subject for another post). But I digress...
Anyway...we parents, who truly have nothing but the best interests of our children in our hearts and minds and regardless of gender, have no choice in the face of gender bias but to prove ourselves...EVERY CHANCE WE CAN!!! We do that simply by being the best damn mommys and daddies that we can and not just when they are with us but ALL THE TIME! I can't think of ANY other way to do it and even if they can't see it now (though most kids can tell) they will know by the time they reach adulthood that Dad or Mom (whomever truly fought for their best interest) DID in fact fight for what was best for them! And they will be better for it! They may not know how to thank us now...but the smile from that little one hanging from your neck after it is all said and done will be all we need. I believe this! I won't stop! Where the childrens welfare, their happiness and security is concerned, debt is just a word to me not a state of being! I've managed so far and I'll continue to!

...now can someone give me a hand down from this box!!!
My hearing is this Wednesday...wish me luck and hope that the judge sees through the BS and makes the right decision for the kids sake!
Had my custody hearing today and I got full custody of all three of my children!! They will spend the rest of the school spring break with their mother and move here 1st weekend of April! She (as expected) stated that she will appeal, but that's ok...we'll make it through that too!

So, thank you to all who offered kind words of encouragement and prayers!

Document...state the facts...don't sling too much mud (leave that for the attorneys) and most importantly...never loose sight of what's most important and that is the children!
Congrats! You must be on cloud nine. I wish you and your kids the best of luck.
Congrats to you Shawn. You HAVE to be one happy man.
Great Job Shawn I knew you could do it.... Enjoy your kids and your new life !!!
Perserverance is a must sometimes. Glad you won in the end!!

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