I don't mean to be rude here, but why do so many fire, police and EMS sites just down right stink?

They're not engaging. They're hard to follow. Some don't even exist or are "under construction".

No money? No techie geeks that like to fight fires?

FFN is set up well and at least is easy to use and doesn't make me nauseated when I stop in, but some are just done very poorly.


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Well hello way up there in Canada!

Another site that isn't too bad at all! (((applause)))

So what are you using to design/maintain the site if you don't mind me asking? And is it just you doing the updating?
Wow, yet another one that isn't too bad at all! I guess not ALL fire department sites suck. LOL

I've never come across the company that did yours and I see they're muscling in my turf (Indiana). I guess it's time I get my idea going. LOL

I did look at some of their portfolio and noticed that they're using one basic template with just different backgrounds/graphics.

If your department was on the hunt for another web solution and could pick from upwards of 10 completely different templates, would that be something interesting to you? I'm not trying to sell here, just trying to touch on your experience and see if a bigger offering of templates would be of an interest?
Oh I forgot, www.pasig-alliance.co.nr

One thing to add, if your department don't have a budget or not that too techie savvy to maintain one. I would recommend to use multiply.com. Its simple, has template, blog spaces to be fill-in, you can post pictures and videos as many as you can and it's FREE. The draw back is, it is limited by design by hosts so you can't put too much special effects or super cool stuff on that site. Only I wish I know more programming like PHP, etc that you can make a great site like Brian Dumser site did. Great site Brian !

In my case, eventhough I can do HTML coding and using also MS Frontpage for layout. Because of my time at my day job and more work as brigade secretary I don't have much time. So I switch to multiply because it's simple and quick to update.
We have a techie geek Paul Poirier. Search for him on FFN, he is a member. I am typing this with two fingers.
I cant help to think more options would certainly be better, as of now you can change the layout a bit but not the whole template. The hosting co makes it quite easy to build as I`m not really a techy geek(electrician by trade) well kinda techy, but still very simple to build. thanks for the look and coment.
Well my initial plan isn't to allow users such as yourself to really "change" the template, but I plan on offering up to 10 (or more) templates.

That would at least give you a few more options. Plus the nearly unlimited plugins such as video streaming, local weather, polls, etc...

Would that be of interest maybe?

My Dept. has one and yes some of it is under construction but it is a new site, the address is www.greenvilletwpfire.com
Ever think that it might be due to lack of time to work on them? We are usually running out butts of and hardly have any time to relax, yet take on another project. As for techies, how many agencies do you know can afford it?
Oh I know for a fact that one person running it can be VERY time consuming. No question about that. But if a group of people could contribute to the site, I think it might seem a bit more manageable.

And yes, I understand the price of it is and always will be a concern. But my idea isn't thousands and thousands of dollars. Now after 10 years of domain hosting it might cost that, but certainly not up front.
Well take a look at ours and tell me what you think http://hfpd.net
So you just went way over my head on that one. LOL I have entered the runs but I just didn't like the way they lined up. It wasn't even and looked like crap.
I downloaded Homestead for a free 30 day trial to try to help build a page for my daughter. I then realized I was in way over my head and just let someone else take care of it for me. So I decided while I have the 30 days free to try to see what I can come up with for the Fire Dept. They have talked about it but never got it done.


Sorry I'm using Josh's profile I don't have one.

From a "geek" standpoint I can immediately see a need for some Google/Yahoo! stuff. If you look in the top of your address bar it says "Home", whereas it should at least say the name of your fire department or something.

Secondly, you can implement (maybe not you specifically) things such as keywords and meta descriptions that the search engines enjoy.

From a design standpoint it's not too bad. At least the layout is legible and more organized than some I've come across. Personally I think the reds/blks/grays of the fire service fit better than blue.

As I've mentioned to some others, it's certainly not the WORST I've seen, but it could stand some minor tweaks here and there.


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