Why Does the Older Firefighter Have a Problem with Juniors/Explorers?

in my company there r very few firefighters that like the junior program is that the same in every company or jus mine and how come kids say stuff about us calling us wanna bes if they only really new how much we doo ....

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I hope you don't mind, D. R., but I just stole a copy of that document for further review and possible use. Thanks!
I am a Junior somewhat . I am not a junior officially because the Tyler Mountain VFD does not have a junior program. Would you like to be my freind on FFN ???
No problem brother...that's what I like about this site...the sharing of ideas and tools to get the job done!
Rember the three D's to being a fireman Dedication Determination Dependability Every one has to earn their spot Rember only the strong survive you cant have thin skin in this buisness were a brutal bunch but all fireman know a brother is a brother and in the end all we have is each other You'll get your spot at the table some day HANG TOUGH FTMPTB
As far as people in your station go: Just work your butt off until you show them that you're an asset to the department. Don't play the know it all; show them that you're willing to listen and learn. Be willing to take a step back and do the dirty work behind the scenes. They'll notice, I promise.
And as far as the kids that pick on you, just don't pay them any attention. Jealousy is a factor. You have a purpose and are involved in something that is probably exciting to them. Don't try to have an "us against them" mindset, though. Sometimes it can seem like firefighting is a world that only those involved can understand, but be willing to explain in a non-all knowing way to people who are interested what it is that hooked you on firefighting. Remember, the more people involved in EMS, the more lives that can be saved!

I've been in the Fire Service since 1986, and I too started in the junior program. Who cares what anyone else says or does to you. You are the one making a committment not them, usually your the closest one to pick on, if it wasn't you, it would be someone else. Hang in there we all had to satrt somewhere, it's gaining the respect of your peers, they are testing you. Think of it this way, woudln't you be worried if they all ignored you, now that I would be concerned about!!!!! You will become part of the brotherhood, it takes time, try not to rush and have fun. Now I do have some questions for some comments that I have read. I don't know how old some of you are but you do need to 18 in most departments before you are able to respond on any calls. As for the lad that talks about leaving school to go on a fire, I'd be real interested in why you are allowed to leave school?! School takes presidence of any thing fire related especailly if you are in school. All said and done all you do is have time if you are serious about the fire service!!!! Good luck my future brothers and be safe!!!
In am a JR but I am not treated unfairly . I would tell them it should be an HONOR for teens and children to wanna follow in their footsteps . Really we can be a break to the older guys ....... we don't have a problem with washing trucks , sweeping the station, hangin up hoses and we will eventually will be able to assist on fire calls .I don't see any reason they would have a problem
hang on there buddy i was one of the origaniel explorers in my community and we did all the same things as the deptartment did with the exception of ridding the eng to the fire and fighting the fire,but we also atended traing as an dept and we also had our trainning weekly along side of an few select volenteers that helped out with the training.we also attended firemen parades and showed off our old hores drawn wagon that the explorers refurbished and took to the parades.do hang in there and do your own thing keep your chin up and keep digging at it.
We have a lot of respect for our cadets. They work their butts off and then some. During the summe when we are busy with grass fires our cadets are always there to help out. The problem I do see with some of those that are no longer with us is they don't want to put in their time doing the crap work like everyone else did. If you have an attituted you will get treated like crap. If you are willing to do your time then you get treated with respect.
my departments older members are alright with the junior members. our cheif was a junior in his hometown an when he made chief at our station he made a junior program. alot of people at school think were wannabees also and that girls cant be firefighters but i dont listen to them cause i like what i do and ive helped alot of them so they shut up after a while
Did it ever cross your mind that this is a tough business and it takes tough folks to fill the boots? I'm sure some of those are playing the tough nut routine because they don't like kids around and feel like its a threat but on the other hand maybe just maybe they are just conditioning you for the job ahead. Just keep your eyes and ears open, pay attn. to whats going on and you may accidently learn a thing or two from some of the grouchy and mean old guys.
I can agree with this one.. we are there to help in learn... I personally belive that its the certain explorers that get in the way of the guys so they look at us all the same way

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