Do City firefighters fight Wildland fires?

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I would say the answer to your question about the surge in wildland questions is to do with the Australia fires last month. Just my thoughts.
Question for Joey. Do country FF's (like myself) only fight wildland?? Do we just turn and walk away from a house fire? HELL NO. We fight fires plain and simple. No matter what is burning we put it out.
We are a small city fire dept. with 13 career and 41 volunteers with soon to be 14 career and yesterday we responded to 4 grass and brush fires and the day before that 2 but I'm sure if we were in the heart of Chicago probably not and I'm sure it would only depend on where you are stationed.
Sorry, Tony.
mark got me in a bad mood.
Clearly, in my humble opinion, both disciplines of firefighting can do both. The city department may be somewhat more organized on structural fires, but the wildland firefighters will be very prolific at wildland fires. But, I have seen city fighting wildland fires and I have seen wildland firefighters fighting structural fires.
In about another month, we will be chasing field fires. I have seen soybean stubble generate a flame six feet high.
Stubble that gives flames that high? Yikes! How high is the stubble?

One of my earliest training exercises was at a fuel reduction burn where the Parks people wanted assistance getting rid of a field of 1.5 metre tall Phalaris. That put up 4 metre flames, which is nothing compared to your stubble!

Our rule-of-thumb is to stay back 4 times the height of the flames, not that it's always done of course.
Bean stubble is cut to about 6 inches high.
You have to remember that soy is being used as an additive to diesel fuel.
Some years ago, our department was battling a fire in a bean field and I was standing on the road getting ready to move the rescue truck that was in the path of this very fast moving field fire.
As I watched, here come our chief running for his life ahead of this wall of flame.
It wasn't funny at the time, but we laugh about it now.
I didn't know that this pudgy fellow could run that fast.
He did that day.
The things we laugh about later...

Soy is a crop I've never thought about from a fire point of view. Would canola (rapeseed) behave in the same way do you know?
damnthing you should be a writer. Your words are elegant. That and I wanna come to your town sounds like there is a ton of money there. LOL TCSS OH yeah and you are a very observant FF.
Out here in CA you bet your a** city FFs fight wildland fires.
Whats a city firefighter???? I work for a county that is Urban, Suburban, and Rural so we see all types of occupancies and we encounter all kinds of fires including brush/ wildland fires.
Ya sorry i just have a lot of questions and this is like the best place to ask them
I work for 2 departments. One used to be all wildland and now is "all-risk". The other is a rural FPD that fights anything that burns any time anywhere. We get chimney fires in the winter and running wildland/campaign fires in the summer. We also support strike teams anywhere in the state.

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