Theft in the department. What would you do? Police officers help is also needed.. thanx

I've got something on my mind that I could surre use your help with. I have chosen to hide my department infomration in fears of him figuring out that I'm on here asking questions and looking for anwers.

One of the guys in the department is stealing funds and we foudn out he has some other charges against him. What would you do or who would you go to to report it? I've been with the department for over 10 years and am afraid of loosing my job or getting in the middle of it because the thief is very good friends with the Deputy Chief and Chief. Who would you go and talk to and how woul dyou handle it? Any advice is appreciated. Also could he get locked away if he's found out? I know he's doing something worng but I don't want to be responsible as he's got four kids to feed. Maybe thats why he's doing what hes' doing. He knows allot of folks and is tied in pretty tight with the different departments. Me and the guys are tryhing to figure out the best approach to resolve this problem.

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Hey John,

It's not petty crap it's seriious crap my brother. This guy is a troublemaker and is tied real tight to allot of politicians. We are doing something and yes I have very big balls. I've already made some calls but sometimes I wonder if THEY will look the other way. I am not nor my borthers in the dept.
I've started it already we will see what happens thanks for the help Anthony
Dude put all personal issues asside and report it sorry to say that but its wrong what hes doing
Hey I know all the guys know but hes an ass and has covedred it up pretty good and the chief seems to look the other way. so doesnt the deputy when theres been a mention. What does the chief and dep cheif have to gain by not taking action? I'm worred what will happen to the rest of us guys if this ass keeps stealign. Will my job get cut next or one of the new guys like a month ago cause funds are "missing".
Hes gone as far as taking some company checks and forging the signatures
And I know that prettymuch knows I have an idea of what hes doing. Maybe he feels like hez in to deep to confess out of fear of loosing his job. Or maybe hes got ties that hes' not worried about loosing his jobs. But the guys wonder if he does not get caught if were in a fire togehter will he cover our backs?
But why the hell dont' they do anythign anbout this guy? why would the chief and dept chief turn their heads. maybe they are afriad of him or waiting for us to report it to other authorites. It puts a damper on things at work us guys knowing that maybe nothign will happen and he''ll keep getting awaywith it. Wont the chief be responsible in anyway if this gets out. I think hez being a coward for not taking control and putting our dept funds in jeapordy. If this guy gets arrested what will happen to the cheif?
OK Imonfirah this guy needs to be turned in to the police now. He will not stop and it will only get worse. If the chief knows and wont do any thing about it he needs to go to. You dont need him as your chief. My department just went through this only we did not find out until we lost $126,ooo and in debt $33,000. We are a vollunteer dept. The only way we were able to stay open was our mutural aid dept gave us enough money to stay open. The person that took the money was charged and arrested but did not spend a night in jail. when this person went to court they were ordered to pay the money back and put on 5 year probation. Yes he will lose his job and it will be very hard for him to find another but he has to be stopped now. Do not wait any longer
Well if you have the evidence and can prove it turn it over to the PD.If you don't want to get involved tell the PD were to look .If he is stealing hes no longer a brother fire fighter .I see that you stated that he in tight with the PD .Go to a State PD or District Attroney and they will direct you .
I will say that it sounds like your in a sticky situation but someone has to notice the funds are gone or either there is someone else benefiting from his theft, if it is Dept funds supplied by a City or County, an audit should show it missing, baring that then you gonna have to tell someone that is responsible, the Mayor might be a good start but it needs to stop ASAP. Stealing is stealing no matter the circumstances.
This is tough. I would normally advise to go to the municipal law enforcement agency, with the proof that you have and file the report. Once that is filed, the law enforcement agency should investigate it and if there is enough proof, this guy gets arrested. What makes it tough is knowing whether you have enough proof to actually pursue a criminal charge. Speaking with your district attorney isn't a bad idea to find out if your proof is enough for them to want to prosecute, before going to the law enforcement agency. What makes it even tougher is not knowing who this guy is in tight with and if (hopefully not) they are going to turn a blind eye. With this, I mean if the officer who you file the complaint with is someone that is in tight with this guy and if you're evidence isn't enough when you file it, that officer might let him know who you are and that you're reporting the guy. I certainly hope that there isn't that much corruption in any area, but you never know. If he really is in as tight as is suspected with the local government, Police, etc, go to the state police. Make sure that your evidence can prove for a fact, without any doubt that this guy is stealing. If you know about this and don't do something, you could get in trouble as well. Best of luck to you with this.
Thank you Edward for your inforamtion. Why didnt he go to jail. It's against the law to steal so I dont understand. I guess the worst for him as he cant get back into EMS again (hopefully).

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