Where are you from, how long have you been in the fire service, what made you join?
I'm from Voorheesville, NY, I just had my one year anniversary with my FD, and I joined not just for the adrenaline rush, although that's part of it; I joined because I work for a firematic association, and I got tired of feeling guilty for not joining.

Wish I'd done this YEARS ago, I love it.

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Hello, I'm from Butler, OH, I've had my EMT-B for a year now and my VFF card for a year in April, I joined my FD in July of 2007. In February of 2007 my sister was hit head on by a guy who went left of center, then two days later I totalled my car when I hit a tree, I wanted to repay the people who helped us so I applied to the department who responded to my 911 call.
Hey All, I'm Bill from Jackson Township Fire Association, a voluteer department in Keokuk, IA. I've been on the roster for two years. I joined because as a child I was a founding member of Quincy Fire Dept. Explorer Post 104, Quincy, IL. I learned alot then and was hooked. After graduating high school I went into the Army, they do not offer firefighting on the active duty side so I chose another career field. I lost touch with the call for fire service, but it came back around. At the time it did I learned I was to old for paid departments, I was nearing 35, so I looked to the voluteer departments. I'm still in the Army on the reserve side and pushing 21years of service. I'm on the downhill side of a second tour to Iraq and look forward to returning home. With alot of luck I hope to finish my paramedic degree when I get home.
Stay Safe, Bill
Hi, I'm Amanda Drew I'm from Connecticut and I have been a member of my town's junior fire department for a year and 4 months. The first week of April I'll be moving up to senior membership and starting firefighter 1. I am a 3rd generation firefighter in my family and I'll be going to college to study fire science, then get a job as a career firefighter.
Hi I'm Matthew Mask. I with Lafe Fire Department in Lafe Arkansas. I been fire fightering for little over a year. I studying to be a evac peramedic and going to get my FF1, First Responder and search and rescue training too.
Hi there, I'm Steve. I've been an active member of the South Coogee Volunteer Fire Brigade in Perth, Western Australia for the past 3 years. Due to my young age I still get called the Probie of the brigade, it's not all that bad though. I joined the fire services as a way of keeping active, giving something beneficial back to the community, and of course the adreneline rush of fighting the fire. Also, as a 3rd generation fiery I'd like to keep the tradition going.

Keep safe guys! All the best!
I'm Sterling, VA but I volunteer in Leesburg, VA. I have been a member for less then 6 months. I joined to help people out and become a better person.
Hi there,
My name is Sandy or Sam.I joined the West Fort Ann,N.Y. fire department about 3 months ago.My 18 year old daughter wanted to join and she asked me if I would stay with her for the talks and lessons.I did and Loved all of it.So I am now a volunteer firefighter.
Hello, I have been with the Waterloo volunteer Fire Dept. in (Waterloo, NY) for about three months, I have had numberous in house training days so Far and am signed up for scean support/hazmat at our fire training center. Many of the in house classes were on vehicle extrication. I am leaning more toward those two areas right now but will be taking FF1 in the near future. I joined the Fire dept mainly because I like to help people and yes I enjoy the adrenalin rush.
jake evans
elsberry fire dept
elsberry missouri
been there 3 months
we are mainly a rural town no big structures so mainly field fires
Welcome to all the new members of The Probie Corner
My name is Gregg. I am a member of the Loretto Vol. Fire Department ( Loretto, Minnesota). I just finished my 1st year last month. I truly cant wait for the pager to go off. This past year has been busy for me. I am an owner of a Mech. HVAC company. We were required to take FF1, FF2, Hazmat Operations and First Responder all in the first year while still attending meetings, calls and working full time. My wife still loves me, beleive it or not. She is truly an Angel.
I am Ben
i have been in ems for 2 1/2 years as an explorer with the ambulance service. i also just joined the fire explorer post in the next town over from me. i joined because my father is a firefighter and i have always wanted to do it


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