We had a drill Tuesday where 3 man teams had to advance a 3" charged hose up to the 5th floor of our burn tower.

No well. No windows. No rope. Just 3 men and a charged line.

We did this sans SCBA, but today we're doing it again, with our packs, on air.

Needless to say, it is a sonofayouknowwhat.

We tried rolling the hose, and that helped, but are there any tips/tricks? I know a big part of it is just plain hard work, but I also want to work SMART, you know what I mean?

If nobody has any ideas, I'd like to know what you think about this one. I don't like it because it eventually spreads out the three guys too far apart, but anyway, here it is. The three FFs start off close to each other, muscling the charged line together up the firs flight and around the first corner. When the line starts to constrict around the corner, the last FF drops back and pulls up more slack at the point of constriction. The other two guys continue together until once again, in another flight or two, the hose constricts around a corner, then the number two guy falls back and pulls up more slack (the number three guy is now a floor below him, helping to push the slack HE created UP to the second guy).

So basically my idea starts off with three FFs together, but as they advance, they peel off the back as necessary to pull up hose.

I know, this is not the ideal way to advance hose. Ideally, if there were no well or window options, I would uncharge the lines and all three guys would go up together with the lines on their shoulders. But it's not my drill, and I have to play by the rules. Any ideas are appreciated.

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right on might love the boat shot...Must be these guys never heard of 2" attack lines, and go to the floor below the fire uncharged...Then advance charged as needed, Maybe even go Ladder truck to 4th story window,and gated wye off that with 2" attack lines...Get real Guys come on!!!! Good one Mike....JD
To go back to topic.... In my case, it was already a hard work task.

I'd say, the training scenario of 3" charged line is a torture.
The point of this drill? I think Michael Vito had it right - torture. No valid reason for it.
If its a common Stairwell like that of an apt. building where you can see down between the railings bend ..then you can drop a rope and stage a man on each floor below to make sure the line advances up betwee nthe floors and railings as you pull it up..as it passes each man they then proceed up and ahead of you and so on till at level needed the line being charged actually helps it push up through just the nozzle is a lil bit of a pain
btw when you use your personal life line like we all SHOULD have in bunkers ..don't bother with a knot slap the carabiner on the bail..less to work on and less to get caught up..plus as the other members go ahead the ydrop their line down to you and you just replace theirs and then you move up
You're right Joey. But the question was about doing things the wrong way just for a drill. Stupid idea.
I guess my question is WHY???? Why would you do this.

The largest line you should use for a manned attack line is 2 1/2 anything elese should be regulated to supply line, or leader line functions and should be stretched dry or utilizing the appartus although still dry.

If you need the flow of 3 inch it needs to be attached to a master stream device not a firefighter.

You are going to get someone hurt badly trying to do this...I would severly question the motive, and qualifications of this drill leader.
Sounds like, to me, that this is just to see how much you can take. By the time you get to the top, you are worn out. (At least I probably would be.) That sounds awfully ridiculous, in my opinion. Someone is just going to get hurt doing that. If you need anything larger than a 2 1/2 inch, you need to reconsider your options.
we did a similar exercise at training had to run out 3 lengths of 3 inch with a 1 3/4 on the end and drag it up 4 stories to roof so we would of being standing on the fith floor fully charged it was a crew of 6 to do that effectively in a timely manner with a crew of three they would be that knakkred by the time they got there they would be no use unless they had allready had a heart attack attempting it
in my opinion this exercise is putting the lives of the ff in peril in several ways and the instructor should be told as much
the golden rule applies stick with your buddie a single ff running around in a building is just not on

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