a very frustrating thing about being a female firefighter in my experience is masking up/ wearing a helmet with longish hair. i have not found a way to wear it comfortably and out of the way. high bun in the helmet makes the helmet fit wierd, low bun below helmet limits movement of my head. any advice from the girls out there??!!!

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well i recently just cut my hair short which is even more frustrating, it's always in my face and sticking out of my no-mex im constantly messing with it....so i would like some advice also...besides shaving it off lol
i will
The best way to wear long hair is either by pulling the hair into a pont tail at the base the neck and either braiding it to the end or using multiple hair bands to secure the hair. Then tuck your hair into your shirt before you bunker up...
Ummm...isn't hair spray flammable?
I think only Demi Moore (GI Jane) could get away with the #1 crew cut...
i just do a low ponytail. or just let my hair down and tilt my head back when throwin on the mask. dont usually have too many problems with it that way. it's all personal preference. just try to keep the extra hair tie with you just in case.
that seems to have snuck right past them......one stray hair....and WHAMMMMMM......instant flaming Q-Tip.
Well mine started off past my waist sitting on it.....then I cut it all off donated it and spiked it up the back...best move I ever made...finally a helmet that fit right, no mess style and easy to care for...since I let it grow slightly below the shoulders now, it's still much easier to deal with and not restricking my movement. Other than that stop, tuck and roll with it.......
Finally, I found women firefighters! Thought I would share something to check out. I am a wife of a Baltimore City Firefighter and I would love to create something for the women! Please check out crossesofcourage.comThe gallery speaks for itself but we have yet to make a piece of art for the women! If you want a creative keepsake that is fully functional yet appealing to the eye-check us out!

Something personalized made by a Firefighter for a Firefighter!
She wants to do her Michael Jackson impersonation
I have mine closer to a caesar cut so nothing hangs out of my hood and nothing to tie back. I really like it this short. It looks nothing like a crew cut or marine cut. LOL!!
Low ponytail...It's the way to go. Low ponytail and then your hood.

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