Around the coffee table, our shift was discussing how nice it was to have I.A.F.F. stickers on our apparatus and helmets. How many have or know of other fire departments that allow I.A.F.F. stickers on their apparatus or helmets?

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No restrictions about stickers on either helmets or trucks as long as they are not a safety hazard or blatently offensive (lewd,rude, obnoxious etc.) The guys know if they push the boundries then there will be no stickers period. Most of the trucks have IAFF stickers in the windows.
Yes on our apparatus, no on our helmets.
We have them on our trucks. My Chief even asked our DVP for a sticker to put on his Chief''s car. He is very supportive of the IAFF and still a member. Very rare now-a-days!!
We cannot have them on the apparatus, However we are allowed to wear them on our helmets. Most of the guys proudly wear a sticker on the back of there helmet.
We have one on the side window of our Type 1 engine, but not on the Type 3 since it would have to go on one of the rolling ones. And a number of us have them on our helmets. No specific policies about either, and the Chief doesn't seem to mind. We also have our union charter hanging prominently in the front lobby of the station.
We would like to have them on our rigs but our chief is a SCAB and will not allow it. We had to argue with him about putting the U.S. Flag on the rigs.
In our department we do have (and it is allowed) IAFF stickers on our apparatus and helmets.
All of our apparatus has at least 1 IAFF sticker on them. Las Vegas has the apparatus ordered with a custom gold leaf IAFF emblem already on them. Just put one on and see if anyone notices. Many of us have them and other stickers on our helmets too.
We have them. Don't know how long the department has had them on the apparatus, but it was way before my time.
We have them on our rigs with the Chiefs and fire boards approval. We can wear them on our helmets as long as they are the reflective ones. The only caveat is that if our helmet is taken out of service or replaced the dept won't replace the sticker, that's up to the individual.
It helps that our Chief is a past IAFF local Prez and the 2 Deputy Chiefs are past VPs of our local.
Yes, the City allows them both on our apparatus and helmets; some of us even sew our Local 2424 patch on the lower back of our PPE trousers just below the suspenders.


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