Mine was: Dispatched to a MVA at a highway crossing (speed limit 70MPH) upon arrival I found out it was my 16 yo daughter who had pulled in front of anouther car. everyone survived, but I dont think I took a breathe for 5 minutes. see attached photo

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Get the heart racing don't it .
My scariest moment was when i was fairly new out of my emt classes mva single vehicle roll over when we arrived on scene we had to extricate the driver (female) it was a pretty bad accident in white out conditions on the highway. The patient was loaded and a few of us were walking around the scene just trying to pick stuff up from the wreck when our officer found a childs car seat. The (female patient ) was awake although not quite right at the moment the officer ran over to the bus and asked her if their was a baby in the car with her? She couldnt remember. We searched that scene for the longest time with flashlights we called out extra police sheriffs officers we called our mutual aid in all in all i think we were out in that blizzard for 4 hours plus ! All afraid of what we would find or in this case due to the weather not find . We got very lucky because the woman had just left the babysitters and when she didnt check in to pick up the child the sitter called the police! The baby wasnt even in the car. But for me having a little child at the time that was the worst feeling i had ever felt.
We had a Jeep Wrangler stuck in a tree. The road came down the hill & made an S curve, there is ravine to the right so that the tops of the trees are fairly even with the road. The driver was panicking (of course) and kept saying that she couldn't find him. Him? What him? It was a very precarious situation to say the least. Some of us started searching for another victim or body. We FINALLY got her out of the jeep that was in the tree and began searching HIGH & low for him. As a passenger, he could have been thrown out anywhere and who knows how far. She was DUI & was probably speeding. Its a pretty busy road & that is the first time we ever had that particular type of accident on it. It was hard to get down the embankment to get to the ground so we went down on with ropes or walk to the top of the hill, cross a barbed wire fence & walk halfway back down. I kept thinking that when we did find him that he was going to be in critical condition, or worse. My buddy & I were discussing how to get him out of there & where we could land a chopper if we needed it. It was really dark & really creepy down there. I am TERRIFIED of snakes. The brush was pretty heavy so we were all wearing PPE, we were on a call when this one came in so we were already wearing it no time to change into brush suits which were back @ the station. It was HOT & humid & the brush made it feel like a jungle. It was a jungle. We kept rotating crews to search because we were already tired & hot when we got there. Eventially we called in more people to help with the search, widened it out. I found a downed tree leaning against the bank & we tied a rope to the truck so we could come up easier. Crossing the log wasn't easy & it was a long way down if you happened to fall. It was past midnight & cloudy, scene lights or hand lights didn't do much good in all that vegetation. About an our or so into the search the OHP brought equipment in to magnify sound & night vision to see better. We pulled everybody out of the area & turned off all the lights. Everyone was quiet to try to hear him whine or yell or breathe, any sign of life. The OHP officer took the night vision down with a couple of other guys & found nothing. Everybody knows everybody in emergency services around here, fire, law enforcement & EMS. They ALL know about me & snakes because when somebody finds out you have an issue with something they tease you. When the trooper came up out of the ravine he looked @ me so seriously & said "Sorry Jen, didn't find anything but some snakes & a bear." I KNOW my face turned white and I gasped. After 2 breaths he started to laugh & so did everyone else. A couple of my guys had moved up behind me to catch me when I fell or tried to run.
We called everyone together (after they stopped laughing) to come up with a new plan. A few minutes later we received a call from dispatch telling us to stop searching, that he had been found. She was both intoxicated & in shock and thought he was with her. When they called her sister from the hospital to come to be with her, they asked if they had found her husband yet. Her sister knew where he was so they called dispatch to have them stop the search.
Were the two of you wearing seatbelts?
Had a rookie firefighter do a 360 hot lap to gather info about this house that was on fire. Well me and another attack line team went in and the rookie failed to tell us that it had a basement. After 5 mins of fighting fire I noticed that my right foot was about 5 inches lower than the other foot and about that time the floor about 10 ft away from me to my left had just fallen through. I was so glad that my second hose team hadnt made it through the kitchen to get into that living room. Needless to say we all had a meeting back at the hall.
Went to a firecall .. Got the pack on and went in with my partner.. Touring a room looking for a elderly man. Found him in a corner still breathing.. Partner freaked out and took off on me... Things got pretty hot and well to say the least thank god for radios.. The guy quit thinking this was not for him... I was about 20 when this happenned .. I'm 42 now.. at 20 to be left alone with this just did not make my day...
Haven't been on long enough at the department to have any legit scary moments, but there was one that made me nervous, back at school.

I don't know if your departments still do this (it's pretty outdated) but we still train and use something called the pompier ladder. So on my first training session, after watching the instructor go the first round and doing it myself a couple of times, I was really enjoying it and ready to go again - until my colleague came careening down from the second floor after a slippery boot missed a step and lay soundless on the ground.

Thankfully she landed on her feet and not the other way round –leaving with just a broken leg - but I definitely lost a bit of my confidence there. Of course, after doing it over and over again, I lost those nerves, but it reminds me to pay attention to what I'm doing and never take safety for granted.
Scariest moment... If I had to choose 1 that comes to mind first, it would be losing water deep inside a basement which was on fire. In the time it took for us to back out, the fire had redeveloped in intensity like we had never touched it with water. That comes to mind everytime I hear the words basement fire with my departments name on the dispatch.
Fourth alarm fire. Inside of a large 4-story Victorian-era wooden apartment building with intentionally set fire coming up the back stairs. The fire had gone into the walls from the first floor and gone unnoticed to the top floor. Extensive remodeling with hidden voids. I was with a truck crew in the rear on the 4th floor and was ordered to pull the ceiling to locate the fire - there was no fire visible, and we thought we had it knocked so we were just looking for hotspots. I jam the hook into the ceiling and pull and KABOOM, the entire ceiling came down in the room full of firemen. Imagine laying underneath a gas barbecue grill and looking up at the burners. That's what it looked like, a sea of roiling flame. Just before visibility dropped to zero, I looked around and saw everyone realizing that we were watching a fire that had come up the rear into the ceiling space and was coming up the way we had come in - the fire trying to close the the 4th side of the box. It didn't make any sense! Time to change the diaper and run. The hallway was full of hoseline, so footing was tricky but guys were sprinting like they stole something down that hallway. We found out later that the serial arsonist had started multiple fires in the lower levels. Cops finally found the pervert and he's in a mental hospital chowing on lithium and Captain Crunch with Crunchberries.
We are still here .
Drinking was not it guess again remember it was a flash over .
At least you were both ok!! Oh yeah we did get a new pumper out of it, morale to this story NEVER GET A CLASS A PUMPER WITH HYDRAULIC BRAKES wouldnt you agree damon?

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